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TargetFormat Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace : TargetFormat Class

The following tables list the members exposed by TargetFormat.

Public Properties

public Property AudioCompressorGets or sets the audio compressor name.  
public Property AVMuxGets or sets a specialized audio/video multiplexer's name.  
public Property MuxGets or sets the multiplexer's name  
public Property NameGets the format's name.  
public Property ReadOnlyGets the read-only state for the target format.  
public Property RecommendedAudioCompressorThis property is updated with the recommended audio compressor for the currently selected target format.  
public Property RecommendedVideoCompressorThis property is updated with the recommended video compressor for the selected target format.  
public Property SelectedIndicates whether the format is currently selected.  
public Property SinkGets or sets the sink's name.  
public Property SinkSubTypeGets or sets the sink's media subtype.  
public Property StreamsGets or sets a value that indicates which streams the target format can have.  
public Property UseFilterCacheGets or sets a value that determines whether the toolkit is currently caching filters.  
public Property VideoCompressorGets or sets the video compressor's name.  

Public Methods

public Method EqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.  
public Method GetCacheObjectGets the caching filter object.  
public Method GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.  
public Method HasCacheDialogQueries whether the specified property dialog for the caching filter is available.  
public Method IsValidCompressorGets a value that indicates if the specified compressor is valid for the currently selected target format.  
public Method ShowCacheDialogShows the specified property dialog for the caching filter.  
public Method ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.  

See Also