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VideoCompressors Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace : VideoCompressors Class


For a list of all members of this type, see VideoCompressors members.


Public Properties

public Property CountGets the number of items contained in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.Multimedia.Compressors)
public Property CurrentGets the current item in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.Multimedia.Compressors)
public Property DivXVideo3ivx3ivx DivX Video compressor.  
public Property DVVideoDV video compressor.  
public Property H263LEAD H.263 video compressor.  
public Property H264LEAD H.264 video compressor.  
public Property IsReadOnlyGets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. (Inherited from Leadtools.Multimedia.Compressors)
public Property ItemOverloaded. Gets the Compressor item at the specified index. (Inherited from Leadtools.Multimedia.Compressors)
public Property MCmpMJpegLEAD Motion CMP and Motion JPEG video compressor.  
public Property MCmwLEAD MCMW video compressor.  
public Property MJ2kLEAD Motion JPEG2000 video compressor.  
public Property MJpegLEAD Motion JPEG video compressor.  
public Property Mpeg2LEAD Mpeg2 video compressor.  
public Property Mpeg4LEAD Mpeg4 video compressor.  
public Property Mpeg4Video3ivx3ivx Mpeg-4 compliant compressor.  
public Property Samsung3ivxSamsung 3ivx video compressor.  
public Property ScreenCaptureLEAD ScreenCapture video compressor.  
public Property SelectionGets or sets the zero-based index of the selected Compressor item. (Inherited from Leadtools.Multimedia.Compressors)
public Property TheoraLEAD Theora lossy video compressor.  
public Property UncompressedUncompressed video (no compressor).  
public Property VP8LEAD VP8 video compressor.  

See Also