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GetPassword Method
See Also 
LMNetSnk Namespace > ILMNetSnk Interface : GetPassword Method

The zero-based index of the user password to retrieve from the list of registered users.
The zero-based index of the user password to retrieve from the list of registered users.
Gets the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Function GetPassword( _
   ByVal index As Integer _
) As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ILMNetSnk
Dim index As Integer
Dim value As String
value = instance.GetPassword(index)
string GetPassword( 
   int index
String^ GetPassword( 
   int index


The zero-based index of the user password to retrieve from the list of registered users.

Return Value

A System.String that represents the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.


Visual BasicCopy Code
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public _serverAndClient As CaptureAndPlayCtrlForm = New CaptureAndPlayCtrlForm()
Private _captureCtrl As CaptureCtrl
Private _playCtrl As PlayCtrl
Private _pMux As LMNetMux
Private _pSink As LMNetSnk

Private Const _networkUrl As String = "ltsf://" ' network stream url
Private Const _networkAuthenticatedUrl As String = "ltsf://User1:P99999@" ' network stream url
Private Const TestMessage As String = "LEAD NETWORK"

Public Sub RequireLoginExample()
   ' reference the capture control
   _captureCtrl = _serverAndClient.CaptureCtrl

   ' reference the play control
   _playCtrl = _serverAndClient.PlayCtrl

      ' try to find a video camera
      If _captureCtrl.VideoDevices("Logitech") Is Nothing Then
         Throw New Exception("No Logitech video device available")
      End If

      _captureCtrl.VideoDevices("Logitech").Selected = True

      ' select a video compressor
      _captureCtrl.VideoCompressors.Mpeg4.Selected = True

      ' set the target output file
      _captureCtrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.NET
      _captureCtrl.TargetFile = _networkUrl

      If _captureCtrl.IsModeAvailable(CaptureMode.Video) Then
         ' here we will only capture 15 seconds for this example.
         ' in a real application, you would not normally want to 
         ' set the time limit for capture.
         _captureCtrl.TimeLimit = 15
         _captureCtrl.UseTimeLimit = True

         ' enable preview
         _captureCtrl.Preview = True

         ' subscribe to the started event for this example
         ' we will connect a client after the capture starts
         AddHandler _captureCtrl.Started, AddressOf CaptureCtrl_Started

         ' subcribe to the media event for the player
         AddHandler _playCtrl.MediaEvent, AddressOf PlayCtrl_MediaEvent

         ' ready the capture graph in order to get the LNMetMux instance

         ' get the network multiplexer reference
         _pMux = TryCast(_captureCtrl.GetSubObject(CaptureObject.TargetFilter), LMNetMux)

         If Not _pMux Is Nothing Then
            ' set some mux settings
            _pMux.LiveSource = True
         End If

         ' get the network sink reference
         _pSink = TryCast(_captureCtrl.GetSubObject(CaptureObject.Sink), LMNetSnk)

         If Not _pSink Is Nothing Then
            ' set some mux settings
            _pSink.RequireLogin = True

            ' clear all user registrations

            ' setup up user logins

            ' enumeration users

            ' add a restriction

            ' test timer for connection checking
            _serverAndClient.TestTimer.Interval = 10000
            AddHandler _serverAndClient.TestTimer.Tick, AddressOf ConnectionChecker
         End If

         ' start capture

         ' we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
         ' but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
         Do While _captureCtrl.State = CaptureState.Running OrElse _playCtrl.State = PlayState.Running

         ' release the mux and demux COM objects
         If Not _pMux Is Nothing Then
         End If

         If Not _pSink Is Nothing Then
         End If
      End If
   Catch ex As Exception
      _result = False
   End Try
End Sub

Private Sub AddModifyUsers()
   ' early out if we could not get the sink interface
   If _pSink Is Nothing Then
   End If

   ' get the current connection list version
   Dim oldVers As Integer = _pSink.ConnectionVersion

   ' add a user
   _pSink.AddUser("User1", "P12345")

   ' get the current connection list version
   Dim newVers As Integer = _pSink.ConnectionVersion

   ' add another user
   _pSink.AddUser("User2", "P67890")

   ' find a user
   Dim user1Id As Integer = _pSink.FindUser("User1")

   ' set user 1's password -- was set above in the AddUser call
   ' but we will change it here for demonstration purposes
   _pSink.SetPassword(user1Id, "P99999")

   ' remove User2 from the registered users list 
   Dim user2Id As Integer = _pSink.FindUser("User2")
End Sub

Private Sub EnumerateUsers()
   ' get the current user count
   Dim userCount As Integer = _pSink.UserCount

   ' verify that we have two users now
   _result = (userCount = 1)

   ' demostrate enumeration registered users
   Dim i As Integer = 0
   Do While i < userCount
      ' do something with user names and passwords
      Dim userName As String = _pSink.GetUsername(i)
      Dim passWord As String = _pSink.GetPassword(i)
      i += 1

End Sub

Private Sub AddRestriction()
   ' add a restriction to the client which has the IP =
   ' this will not allow a connection from this address. 

   ' get number of restrictions
   Dim oldRestCount As Integer = _pSink.RestrictionCount

   ' Number of restrictions we have. 
   Dim restrictCount As Integer = _pSink.AddRestriction("")

   ' get number of restrictions
   Dim newRestCount As Integer = _pSink.RestrictionCount

   ' verify that we have a new restriction count
   _result = _result And (oldRestCount <> newRestCount)

   ' enumeration restrictions (demonstration purposes)
   Dim i As Integer = 0
   Do While i < restrictCount
      Dim restAddress As String = _pSink.GetRestriction(i)
      ' do something with Restriction
      i += 1

   ' find our restriction we added above
   Dim restriction As Integer = _pSink.FindRestriction("")

   ' remove it

   ' remove all restrictions (demonstration purposes)
End Sub

Private Sub CaptureCtrl_Started(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

Private Sub StartClient()
      ' connect a client
      _playCtrl.SourceFile = _networkAuthenticatedUrl
   Catch ex As Exception
      _result = False
      Console.WriteLine("Player (Client) Exception: {0}", ex.Message)
   End Try
End Sub

Private Sub ConnectionChecker(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

   ' get number of users connected to the server
   Dim connCount As Integer = _pSink.ConnectionCount

   ' get the first connection (demonstration purposes)
   Dim pcon As ILMNetSnkConnection = _pSink.FindConnection(1)
   ' release it -- it is a COM object you know!

   ' get the first connection
   pcon = _pSink.FirstConnection

   ' check all connections with the server
   Do While Not pcon Is Nothing
      Dim pnext As ILMNetSnkConnection = pcon.NextConnection
      Dim id As Long = pcon.ID
      Dim userName As String = pcon.Username
      Dim connAddr As String = pcon.Address

      ' check if connection is enabled or not
      ' it should be, we just enabled it above
      Dim enabled As Boolean = pcon.Enabled

      ' is it connected
      Dim connected As Boolean = pcon.Connected

      ' check if this connection is disabled
      ' and disconnect it if so
      If enabled = False Then
         ' close this connection
      End If
      pcon = pnext

   ' close all connections (demonstration purposes)

End Sub

Private Sub PlayCtrl_MediaEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MediaEventArgs)
   If e.eventCode = MediaEventCode.EC_COMPLETE Then
      _result = _result And True
   End If
End Sub
C#Copy Code
public bool _result = false;
public CaptureAndPlayCtrlForm _serverAndClient = new CaptureAndPlayCtrlForm();
CaptureCtrl _captureCtrl;
PlayCtrl _playCtrl;
LMNetMux _pMux;
LMNetSnk _pSink;

const string _networkUrl = @"ltsf://"; // network stream url
const string _networkAuthenticatedUrl = @"ltsf://User1:P99999@"; // network stream url
const string TestMessage = "LEAD NETWORK";

public void RequireLoginExample()
   // reference the capture control
   _captureCtrl = _serverAndClient.CaptureCtrl;

   // reference the play control
   _playCtrl = _serverAndClient.PlayCtrl;

      // try to find a video camera
      if (_captureCtrl.VideoDevices["Logitech"] == null)
         throw new Exception("No Logitech video device available");

      _captureCtrl.VideoDevices["Logitech"].Selected = true;

      // select a video compressor
      _captureCtrl.VideoCompressors.Mpeg4.Selected = true;

      // set the target output file
      _captureCtrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.NET;
      _captureCtrl.TargetFile = _networkUrl;

      if (_captureCtrl.IsModeAvailable(CaptureMode.Video))
         // here we will only capture 15 seconds for this example.
         // in a real application, you would not normally want to 
         // set the time limit for capture.
         _captureCtrl.TimeLimit = 15;
         _captureCtrl.UseTimeLimit = true;

         // enable preview
         _captureCtrl.Preview = true;

         // subscribe to the started event for this example
         // we will connect a client after the capture starts
         _captureCtrl.Started += new EventHandler(CaptureCtrl_Started);

         // subcribe to the media event for the player
         _playCtrl.MediaEvent += new MediaEventHandler(PlayCtrl_MediaEvent);

         // ready the capture graph in order to get the LNMetMux instance

         // get the network multiplexer reference
         _pMux = _captureCtrl.GetSubObject(CaptureObject.TargetFilter) as LMNetMux;

         if (_pMux != null)
            // set some mux settings
            _pMux.LiveSource = true;

         // get the network sink reference
         _pSink = _captureCtrl.GetSubObject(CaptureObject.Sink) as LMNetSnk;

         if (_pSink != null)
            // set some mux settings
            _pSink.RequireLogin = true;

            // clear all user registrations

            // setup up user logins

            // enumeration users

            // add a restriction

            // test timer for connection checking
            _serverAndClient.TestTimer.Interval = 10000;
            _serverAndClient.TestTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(ConnectionChecker);

         // start capture

         // we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
         // but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
         while (_captureCtrl.State == CaptureState.Running
               || _playCtrl.State == PlayState.Running)

         // release the mux and demux COM objects
         if (_pMux != null)

         if (_pSink != null)
   catch (Exception ex)
      _result = false;

private void AddModifyUsers()
   // early out if we could not get the sink interface
   if (_pSink == null)

   // get the current connection list version
   int oldVers = _pSink.ConnectionVersion;

   // add a user
   _pSink.AddUser("User1", "P12345");

   // get the current connection list version
   int newVers = _pSink.ConnectionVersion;

   // add another user
   _pSink.AddUser("User2", "P67890");

   // find a user
   int user1Id = _pSink.FindUser("User1");

   // set user 1's password -- was set above in the AddUser call
   // but we will change it here for demonstration purposes
   _pSink.SetPassword(user1Id, "P99999");

   // remove User2 from the registered users list 
   int user2Id = _pSink.FindUser("User2");

private void EnumerateUsers()
   // get the current user count
   int userCount = _pSink.UserCount;

   // verify that we have two users now
   _result = (userCount == 1);

   // demostrate enumeration registered users
   for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++)
      // do something with user names and passwords
      string userName = _pSink.GetUsername(i);
      string passWord = _pSink.GetPassword(i);


private void AddRestriction()
   // add a restriction to the client which has the IP =
   // this will not allow a connection from this address. 

   // get number of restrictions
   int oldRestCount = _pSink.RestrictionCount;

   // Number of restrictions we have. 
   int restrictCount = _pSink.AddRestriction("");

   // get number of restrictions
   int newRestCount = _pSink.RestrictionCount;

   // verify that we have a new restriction count
   _result &= (oldRestCount != newRestCount);

   // enumeration restrictions (demonstration purposes)
   for(int i = 0 ; i < restrictCount ; i++)
     string restAddress = _pSink.GetRestriction(i); 
     // do something with Restriction

   // find our restriction we added above
   int restriction = _pSink.FindRestriction(""); 

   // remove it

   // remove all restrictions (demonstration purposes)

void CaptureCtrl_Started(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void StartClient()
      // connect a client
      _playCtrl.SourceFile = _networkAuthenticatedUrl;
   catch (Exception ex)
      _result = false;
      Console.WriteLine("Player (Client) Exception: {0}", ex.Message);

void ConnectionChecker(object sender, EventArgs e)

   // get number of users connected to the server
   int connCount = _pSink.ConnectionCount;   

   // get the first connection (demonstration purposes)
   ILMNetSnkConnection pcon = _pSink.FindConnection(1);
   // release it -- it is a COM object you know!

   // get the first connection
   pcon = _pSink.FirstConnection; 

   // check all connections with the server
   while (pcon != null)
      ILMNetSnkConnection pnext = pcon.NextConnection;
      long id = pcon.ID;
      string userName = pcon.Username;
      string connAddr = pcon.Address;

      // check if connection is enabled or not
      // it should be, we just enabled it above
      bool enabled = pcon.Enabled;

      // is it connected
      bool connected = pcon.Connected;

      // check if this connection is disabled
      // and disconnect it if so
      if (enabled == false)
         // close this connection
      pcon = pnext;

   // close all connections (demonstration purposes)


private void PlayCtrl_MediaEvent(object sender, MediaEventArgs e)
   if (e.eventCode == MediaEventCode.EC_COMPLETE)
      _result &= true;


Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7

See Also