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MedicalViewerCustomAnnotationArgs Class Members
See Also  Properties 
Leadtools.MedicalViewer Namespace : MedicalViewerCustomAnnotationArgs Class

The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalViewerCustomAnnotationArgs.

Public Constructors

public Constructor MedicalViewerCustomAnnotationArgs ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the MedicalViewerCustomAnnotationArgs class with explicit parameters.  

Public Properties

public Property AnnotationAction(Read only) Gets the custom annotation action type that will specify the type of the annotation that has its data requested.  
public Property AnnotationObjectGets or sets the instance of the custom annotation object requested.  
public Property DrawDesignerGets or sets the DrawDesigner for the requested custom annotation.  
public Property EditDesignerGets or sets the EditDesigner for the requested custom annotation.  
public Property RequestedObject(Read only) Gets the value that represents the requested custom annotation data.  

See Also

Leadtools.MedicalViewer requires a Medical Imaging license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features