-- Compile started at Thursday, 03 February 2011 17:04:09 Info: Building output file D:\LEAD15\Help\DotNet\Output\17\Leadtools.MediaWriter.hxs. [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 1: /Leadtools.MediaWriter_introduction.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 2: /Leadtools.MediaWriter.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 3: /Leadtools.MediaWriter_gettingstarted.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 4: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter_namespace.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 5: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 6: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter_members.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 7: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter~_ctor.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 8: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter_methods.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 9: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter~Dispose.html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing topic 10: /Leadtools.MediaWriter~Leadtools.MediaWriter.MediaWriter~Dispose(Boolean).html [ line 0 col 0 Info: Parsing 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[ line 0 col 0 Info: Number of URLs: 125. [ line 0 col 0 Info: Processing complete. [ line 0 col 0 -- Compile completed on 02/03/2011 17:04:21