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TextureAlphaBlendCommand Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects Namespace : TextureAlphaBlendCommand Class

The following tables list the members exposed by TextureAlphaBlendCommand.

Public Constructors

public Constructor TextureAlphaBlendCommand ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

public Property DestinationRectangleGets or sets a LeadRect structure that contains the destination rectangle.  
public Property HasProgressDetermines if the command object has a progress event handler set. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
public Property MaskImageGets or sets the RasterImage object that references the fade mask.  
public Property OpacityGets or set the opacity value used when combining the areas from the result of feathering and destination images.  
public Property SourceImageRasterImage object that references the source image.  
public Property SourcePointLeadPoint structure that contains the origin of the source rectangle.  
public Property UnderlayImageGets or sets an RasterImage object that references the image to be used as the underlying image.  
public Property UnderlayOffsetLeadPoint structure that contains the underlay image offset with respect to the destination image.  

Public Methods

public Method OnProgressImplements Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand.OnProgress(Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProgressEventArgs). Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
public Method RunImplements Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand.Run(Leadtools.RasterImage). Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
public Method ToStringOverridden. Returns a meaningful name for this command.  

Public Events

public Event ProgressImplements Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand.Progress. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)

See Also