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FourierTransformInformation Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Namespace : FourierTransformInformation Class

The following tables list the members exposed by FourierTransformInformation.

Public Constructors

public Constructor FourierTransformInformation ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

public Property DataGets the 2D data array.  
public Property DataPointerGets the data pointer.  
public Property DataSizeGets the size of data pointer.  
public Property HeightGets the height of the 2D array in pixels.  
public Property WidthGets the width of the 2D array in pixels.  

Public Methods

public Method CloneClones the current object into a new object.  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by the FastFourierTransformCommand.  
public Method GetDataOfGets the resulting transformed data complex at the given location.  
public Method SetDataSets the 2D data array.  
public Method ToStringOverridden. Returns a meaningful name for this command.  

Protected Methods

protected Method FinalizeDestructor of the FastFourierTransformCommand class.  

See Also