LEADTOOLS Screen Capture (Leadtools.ScreenCapture assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
ScreenCaptureOptions Structure Members
See Also  Properties 
Leadtools.ScreenCapture Namespace : ScreenCaptureOptions Structure

The following tables list the members exposed by ScreenCaptureOptions.

Public Properties

public Property CancelKeyGets or sets the Cancel key.  
public Property CountGets or sets the number of captures.  
public Property CursorGets or sets the cursor for capture.  
public Property DelayGets or sets the delay before capture.  
public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) EmptyGets an Empty structure.  
public Property HotkeyGets or sets the HotKey.  
public Property IntervalGets or sets the delay interval between captures.  
public Property OptimizedHotkeyGets or sets a flag that indicates whether to optimize HotKey processing.  
public Property StatusCursorGets or sets the status cursor.  

See Also