LEADTOOLS Screen Capture (Leadtools.ScreenCapture assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
ScreenCaptureAreaOptions Structure Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.ScreenCapture Namespace : ScreenCaptureAreaOptions Structure


For a list of all members of this type, see ScreenCaptureAreaOptions members.


Public Properties

public Property AreaTypeGets or sets the capture area type.  
public Property DrawCursorGets or sets the cursor to be used for drawing.  
public Property DrawLineColorGets or sets the line color for drawing.  
public Property DrawLineStyleGets or sets the line style for the capture area.  
public Property EllipseHeightGets or sets ellipse height.  
public Property EllipseWidthGets or sets ellipse width.  
public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Empty(Read only) Gets an Empty structure.  
public Property FillBackgroundColorGets or sets the background fill color.  
public Property FillForegroundColorGets or sets the foreground fill color.  
public Property FillPatternGets or sets the fill pattern for the captured area.  
public Property FlagsGets or sets the flags for the capture area.  
public Property InfoWindowBoundsGets or sets the Information Window bounds.  
public Property TextBackgroundColorGets or sets the text background color.  
public Property TextForegroundColorGets or sets the text foreground color.  
public Property ZoomGets or sets the capture area zoom.  

See Also