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LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag
See Also
Provides additional options for the LEAD Bitmap Encoder.

Property Bag Items

Table 1 lists the Standard canonical encoder options that all WIC-enabled encoders support if applicable.
Table 2 lists the Microsoft canonical encoder options.
Table 3 lists the LEAD-specific encoder options.
For LEAD Jpeg2000 encoder options, refer to LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: Jpeg2000 Specific Options.
For LEAD Jbig2 encoder options, refer to LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: Jbig2 Specific Options.
For LEAD XPS (XML Paper Specification) encoder options, refer to LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: XPS Specific Options.

Table 1: Standard Canonical Encoder Options
Property Name VARTYPE Value Applicable Codecs
ImageQuality VT_R4 0-1.0 Jpeg
CompressionQuality VT_R4 0-1.0 Tiff
BitmapTransform VT_UI1 WICBitmapTransformOptions Jpeg

Table 2: Microsoft Canonical Encoder Options
Property Name VARTYPE Value Applicable Codecs
InterlaceOption VT_BOOL On/Off Png
TIFFCompressionMethod VT_UI1 WICTiffCompressionOption Tiff
Luminance VT_UI4/VT_ARRAY 64 Entries (DCT) Jpeg
Chrominance VT_UI4/VT_ARRAY 64 Entries (DCT) Jpeg
SuppressApp0 VT_BOOL Jpeg


Table 3: LEAD Encoder Options
Property Name VARTYPE Default Value Applicable LEAD Encoders Description
SubFormat VT_I4 WICLeadSubFormat All Encoders For more information, refer to the IWICLeadBitmapEncoder::GetSubFormats method.
QualityFactor VT_I4 2 Cmp, Tiff, Jpeg, Abc, Ecw, Fpx For more information, refer to QualityFactor.
FixedPalette VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE All Encoders If VARIANT_TRUE, the function uses the fixed palette for images that are saved as 8 bits per pixel or less.
OptimizedPalette VT_BOOL VARIANT_TRUE All Encoders If VARIANT_TRUE, the function uses the individual image's optimized palette for images that are saved as 8 bits per pixel or less.
If VARIANT_TRUE, a TIFF or PNG file will be saved as grayscale, without a palette.
PreservePalette VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, the palette will be preserved when saving TIFF CCITT files (might decrease the compression ratio)
DitherType VT_UI4 CRF_NODITHERING All Encoders One of the WICLeadDitherType constants.
UseImageFileDirectoryOffset VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE,  the ImagefileDirectoryOffset property is valid.
ImageFileDirectoryOffset VT_I4 0 Tiff

Offset within a TIFF file where a page starts. This serves as a reference page for saving pages to a large TIFF file.  According to TIFF specifications, the minimum value for the first Image File Directory (IFD) offset is 8.

NoLzwAutoClear VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Gif, Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, CLEAR codes will not be automatically inserted during LZW compression.
NoPageNumber VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, do not update and save the PageNumber tag associated with the pages of a multi-page TIFF file.
If VARIANT_TRUE, a subfile type TIFF tag will not be written when writing any TIFF file.
UsePhotometricInterpretation VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, PhotometricInterpretation will be used when saving TIFF files.
PhotometricInterpretation VT_I4 0 Tiff Photometric interpretation that should be saved in the file instead of the regular value.
SavePlanar VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, TIF CMYK images will be saved as planar (instead of chunky) images.
UseTileSize VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, TileWidth and TileHeight property bag values will be used when saving TIFF files.
TileWidth VT_UI4 0 Tiff

Width of the tile to use when saving TIFF files. This value is in pixels.

TileHeight VT_UI4 0 Tiff

Height of the tile to use when saving TIFF files. This value is in pixels.

UsePredictor VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, a predictor will be used when saving LZW data. This is for TIF LZW or Raw LZW data that is 8 bpp or more. This flag is ignored if the LZW data is less than 8 bpp.
If VARIANT_TRUE, the bit order will be reversed when writing CCITT Group 3 and 4 files and RAW uncompressed data, so that the least significant bit (LSB) is first.
UseGlobalBackground VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Gif If VARIANT_TRUE, causes a GIF file to be saved with the global background color specified by the GlobalBackground field.
GlobalBackground VT_UI4 RGB(000) Gif Background color of images in a multi-page GIF file. This property is used only if UseGlobalBackground  is VARIANT_TRUE
UseGlobalPalette VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Gif If VARIANT_TRUE, causes a GIF file to be saved with the global palette specified by the GlobalPalette field.
GlobalPalette VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4 1 Gif Palette for images in a multi-page GIF file. This property is used only if UseGlobalPalette is VARIANT_TRUE.
Interlaced VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Gif If VARIANT_TRUE, causes a GIF file to be saved as an interlaced file.
FixedPaletteStamp VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Jpeg, Cmp If VARIANT_TRUE, causes a Cmp or JPEG stamp image to be saved with a fixed palette.
YCCStamp VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Exif If VARIANT_TRUE, causes an Exif stamp image to be saved with YCbCr color space.
If VARIANT_TRUE, saves JPEG compressed stamps.
SaveOldJtif VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Jpeg If VARIANT_TRUE, writes old style Jtif files.
NoPageNumber VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Tiff If VARIANT_TRUE, does not update and save the PageNumber tag associated with the pages of a multi-page TIFF file.
If VARIANT_TRUE, saves files in Motorola byte order when possible.
WithoutTimeStamp VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Png If VARIANT_TRUE, saves the file without a time stamp.
PdfTextEncodingAsciiBase85 VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Pdf If VARIANT_TRUE, uses PDF, ASCII BASE 85 text encoding for image data.
PdfTextEncodingAsciiHex VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Pdf If VARIANT_TRUE, uses PDF, ASCII HEX text encoding for image data.
PdfTextEncodingMask VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Pdf If VARIANT_TRUE, use a Mask of the flags for PDF text encoding.
PdfSaveUseBitmapDpi VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Pdf If VARIANT_TRUE, use the bitmap DPI in calculating page dimensions when saving a PDF file.
PdfSaveLowMemoryUsage VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE Pdf If VARIANT_TRUE, tries to use less memory when creating a PDF file with JPEG or Fax compression.
Passes VT_I4 0 Jpeg

Possible values when saving:



Any positive number

Save the file as a progressive file with the specified number of passes.


Save the file as an ordinary JPEG or LEAD Cmp file (not a progressive file).

Any negative number

Save the file as a progressive file with the LEADTOOLS default number of passes.

Possible values when saving non-progressive files:




Save the file with fixed Huffman tables (faster save, lower compression).


Save the file with optimized Huffman tables (2-pass compression, lower speed, higher compression)

GlobalWidth VT_I4 0 Gif Width of images in a multi-page GIF file
GlobalHeight VT_I4 0 Gif Height of images in a multi-page GIFfile
If VARIANT_TRUE, causes a Cmp, JPEG, or Exif file to be saved with a stamp (thumbnail image), in addition to the normal image.  If VARIANT_TRUE, use StampWidth, StampHeight, and StampBits property bag values.
StampWidth VT_UI4 0 Jpeg
Width, in pixels, of the stamp image being saved.
StampHeight VT_UI4 0 Jpeg
Height, in pixels, of the stamp image being saved.
StampBits VT_UI4 0 Jpeg
Bits per pixel of the stamp image being saved.
Password VT_ARRAY | VT_UI2 255 Pdf

Password for saving encrypted files.

AlphaInit VT_BOOL VARIANT_FALSE All Encoders If VARIANT_TRUE, initializes the alpha channel for 32 or 64-bit color images) to all ones (0xFF for 8-bit alpha channels and 0xFFFF for 16-bit alpha channels).  Without this flag, a created alpha channel initializes to zeros.

See Also


// This example shows how to save a JPEG file with options using the property bag
// Then the file is saved with a quality factor of 100 (medium)
// * SubFormat YUV:4:1:1
// * QualityFactor 100
// Refer to the Example Requirements for help in running this sample
HRESULT IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag(HWND hWnd, WCHAR *pszOut)
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
   IWICImagingFactory *piImagingFactory = NULL;
   IWICBitmapEncoder *piBitmapEncoder = NULL;
   IWICBitmapFrameEncode *piBitmapFrameEncode = NULL;
   IWICStream *piStream = NULL;
   IPropertyBag2 *piPropertyBag = NULL;
   CString csExampleName;
   GUID guidContainerFormat = GUID_ContainerFormatLeadJpeg;
   WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;

   csExampleName.Format(L"IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag\nThis example creates a Jpeg file (%s) with SubFormat WICLeadSubFormatJpeg411 and QFactor 100", pszOut);

   // Create a LEAD Jpeg Bitmap Encoder
   IFS(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWICImagingFactory, (LPVOID*) &piImagingFactory));

   IFS(piStream->InitializeFromFilename(pszOut, GENERIC_WRITE));
   IFS(piImagingFactory->CreateEncoder(guidContainerFormat, NULL, &piBitmapEncoder));
   IFS(piBitmapEncoder->Initialize(piStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache));
   IFS(piBitmapEncoder->CreateNewFrame(&piBitmapFrameEncode, &piPropertyBag));

   // This is how you customize the LEAD WIC Encoder property bag.
      ULONG uCount = 0;
      hr = piPropertyBag->CountProperties(&uCount);
      PROPBAG2 *pBag = new PROPBAG2[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pBag, sizeof(*pBag));

      VARIANT *pValue = new VARIANT[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pValue, sizeof(*pValue));

      HRESULT *pErrors = new HRESULT[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pErrors, sizeof(*pErrors));

      IFS(piPropertyBag->GetPropertyInfo(0, uCount, pBag, &uCount));
      IFS(piPropertyBag->Read(uCount, pBag, NULL, pValue, pErrors));
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
         for (ULONG u = 0; u < uCount; u++)
            if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"JpegSubFormat")== 0)
               pValue[u].intVal = WICLeadSubFormatJpeg411;
               piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);
            else if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"QualityFactor")== 0)
               pValue[u].intVal = 100;
               piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);


   // Now create the image data that we will write
   UINT uiWidth = 256;
   UINT uiHeight = 256;
   IFS(piBitmapFrameEncode->SetSize(uiWidth, uiHeight));
   WICPixelFormatGUID formatGUID = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // We're expecting to write out 24bppRGB. Fail if the encoder cannot do it.
      hr = IsEqualGUID(formatGUID, GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      UINT cbStride = (uiWidth * 24 + 7)/8;
      UINT cbBufferSize = uiHeight * cbStride;
      BYTE *pbBuffer = new BYTE[cbBufferSize];

      if (pbBuffer != NULL)
         for (UINT i = 0; i < cbBufferSize; i++)
            pbBuffer[i] = static_cast<BYTE>(rand());
         hr = piBitmapFrameEncode->WritePixels(uiHeight, cbStride, cbBufferSize, pbBuffer);
         delete[] pbBuffer;
         hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

   // Commit the changes to the stream


   MessageBox(hWnd, csExampleName, csExampleName, MB_OK);
   return hr;


QualityFactor Property Bag Item
IWIC LEAD Bitmap Encoder propertyBag J2K
IWIC LEAD Bitmap Encoder propertyBagJb2
IWIC LEAD Bitmap Encoder propertyBagXps