The different styles are shown in the following figure:

The following Annotation Toolbar Buttons are available:
- Audio Clip Tool
- Button Tool
- Closed Curve Tool
- Cross Product Tool
- Curve Tool
- Ellipse Tool
- Encrypt Tool
- Freehand Hotspot Tool
- Highlight Tool
- Hotspot Tool
- Line Tool
- Note Tool
- Point Tool
- Pointer Tool
- Polygon Tool
- Polyline (Freehand Line) Tool
- Polyline Tool
- PolyRuler Tool
- Protractor Tool
- Rectangle Tool
- Redaction Tool
- Rubber Stamp Tool
- Ruler Tool
- Selection Pointer Tool
- Stamp Tool
- Text Pointer Tool
- Text Tool
- TextRollup Tool
For more information, refer to Annotation Objects - Automated Features.