Once you have "grouped" a set of objects, you must ungroup them before you can select only one object in that group. When you select a "grouped" set of objects and right-click the mouse, the "Ungroup" option in the menu becomes available. Selecting that option "ungroups" the objects. After that, the objects are independent again (you can select one without selecting the others).
Note, when you select one or more objects in this AnnAutomation through the user interface, an AnnGroupObject will be created and the selected objects are moved from the Container to this AnnGroupObject. This AnnGroupObject is a temporary group and will be ungrouped (by calling Ungroup) and added back to the Container when the objects are not selected anymore (for example, by clicking somewhere in the container outside the group or by calling the user interface or by calling SelectNone). To determine whether the current editing object is the temporary group, first determine whether the CurrentEditObject is an AnnGroupObject, then determine whether the Temporary value is set to true. Use the CanGroup property to determine whether the AnnAutomation object is in a state where objects can be grouped, and the CanUngroup property to determine whether the AnnAutomation object is in a state where objects can be ungrouped. An annotation object can be in either a container or a group but not both at the same time.
The AnnNewGroupEditDesigner class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing an AnnGroupObject annotation object on an annotation container. This class has improved resizing and rotate functionality over the AnnGroupEditDesigner class.