LEADTOOLS DICOM Server Manager Demo configures three different DICOM Servers by default. These DICOM Servers utilize LEADTOOLS PACS Server Framework. Each DICOM Server implements different DICOM Services using different AddIns. Additionally, a Server Manager application is provided to configure and manage all of the servers from a single user interface.
A user can add or remove supported DICOM Services from any of the server by simply adding or removing the AddIns under the server folder. Please note that one add-in can implement multiple DICOM Services but multiple AddIns are not allowed to support the same DICOM service under a single server configuration.
Server Manager Demo:
The PACS Server Manager (CSLeadtools.Dicom.Server.Manager_Original.exe) is a sample application that uses the LEADTOOLS DICOM Service Admin SDK to allow user to manage multiple PACS Framework from one application. User can add, remove and configure Servers, start, stop and pause any or all server services. Application also allows DICOM client configuration for each server and exposes the addin level settings for all configured AddIns when implemented. In addition, user can view the transaction log of all servers from this application.
The following figure shows the LEADTOOLS DICOM Service Manager:
Server Manager Interface:
The drop down list box list all configured DICOM Servers.
The following figure shows the configured PACS Framework Servers:
Selecting a server from the list box; show list of icons under the AddIn Options.
Each icon represents the installed add-ins on the server. Double-clicking on the icon displays a settings dialog of the Addin. For example, double-clicking on Security icon() will display the Security Options dialog:
Note: More detailed information of individual AddIns is documented under the respective server documentation.
Add DICOM Server button- Click to open the Add New Server dialog. The Add New Server dialog Settings tab is shown in the following figure:
The Add New Server dialog Settings Tab has the following fields:
Settings Tab
- AE Title - The Server AE Title
- Implementation Class UID - Server implementation class
- Description - Server description
- Implementation Version Name - Server implementation version name
- IP Address - Server IP Address
- Temporary Directory - Location of the temporary files. DICOM uses temporary files during the course of creating a dataset. If this parameter is not specified DICOM temporary files are kept in the Windows temporary file location.
- Port - Server port to listen on.
- Max Clients - Maximum number of clients that are allowed to connect to server.
- Server Secure - Check to make this a secure server that uses DICOM secure transport profile.
- Allow Anonymous - Check to allow anonymous client access. Note that anonymous client will not be able to retrieve images from the server.
- Enable Service Log - Enable service logging (a default implementation is provided that logs to the Windows event log).
- Multiple Connections - Allows same AE title to connect multiple times from the same IP address (concurrent connection from same remote AE).
The Add New Server dialog Advanced tab is shown in the following figure:

The Add New Server dialog Advanced tab has the following fields:
Advanced Tab
- Service Display Name - Name to display in the Windows Service Manager application. If no name is specified the display name defaults to: Dicom Server [AE Title].
- Max Pdu Length - Maximum length of data transfer. If no value is specified the max length defaults to 16384 bytes.
- Client - Amount of time before disconnecting a client due to no client activity.
- Reconnect - Amount of time for the server to reconnect to a client and perform some operation.
- AddIn - Amount of time for an add-in to process a DICOM request.
Socket Options
- No Delay - Disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing. This socket option is included for backward compatibility with Windows Sockets 1.1.
- Receive Buffer - Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for receives. If no buffer size is specified it defaults to 29696 bytes.
- Send Buffer - Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for sends. If no buffer size is specified it defaults to 29696 bytes.
- Start Mode - Set the start mode of the windows service.
- Automatic - Service to be started automatically by the Service Control Manager during system startup.
- Manual - Service to be manually started.
- Disabled - Service can no longer be started.
- Copy dataset image during message notification - Disabling this option will only copy image related tags of the dataset during a message notification. Enabling this option could adversely impact the performance of the server.
Once a Server is configured a new directory will be created in the application folder based on the AE Title of the server. For instance, if your application directory is c:\Dicom Servers\ and you created a server with the AE Title " L17_MWL_MPPS_SRV"; the new directory will be c:\Dicom Servers\ L17_MWL_MPPS_SRV\. This directory will contain all of the settings for the new server as follows:
- Settings.xml - Holds all the settings for the service.
- AddIns Directory - All add-ins created for this server need to be placed in this directory (in order to have the add-ins available for each server, add-ins has to be placed in each server's add-in directory).
Edit Server Button – For editing or change the configuration of an existing DICOM Server.
Delete Server button - Used for deleting a configured DICOM Server.
Start Server button - Used to start DICOM Server Service for selected server from drop down list box. Service running state is indicated with green circle and white triangle() next to server name.
Start All Servers button - Used to start all configured DICOM server services.
Pause Server button - Used to Pause the currently selected service.
Stop Server Button- Used to stop currently selected DICOM Server Service.
Stop All Servers button – Used to stop all DICOM Server Services.
Log button- Used for viewing DICOM message log. Clicking on log button will bring up following Event Log dialog:
The Event Log Dialog has the following options:
Continuous Query button – Use for viewing live logging activities.
Stop Continuous Query button – Press to stop live log update for viewing.
Single Query button – Used to make a single query to log database.
Query Filter - Allows different query filter options to limit number of items returned for viewing for any of the above listed query types. Query filters are grouped into following categories:
General Pane: This is group is the top level filter. This filter is applied first and other filters in different groups are applied on the result of this group.
Last - This returns the selected number of items.
Type - Filter by log type such as Errors, Warnings, Information, Debug.
Command - Filter by DICOM message type (i.e. C-FIND, C-MOVE, N-ACTION etc).
Date Pane
Filter by recent months, years or date and time range.
Client/Server Pane
Filter log results by server or client AE Title, Host Address and port.
Export Selected Files button - Allows user to export the selected log items to disk. Activated when user select log item(s).
Delete Selected button - Allows user to delete selected log item(s) from the log database. Activated when user select log item(s).
Show Detail button - Displays the following Event Log Details dialog box:
AE Titles Tab - This tab shows the configured list of clients for the currently selected server while server service is running. The server register IAeTitle implementation will be responsible for handling the Service Manger requests. The following actions are available with the AE Titles Tab.
Add AE Title button - Allows configuring new client connection. Clicking the button will display following dialog:
- AE Title - Client AE title. AE Titles should be unique among clients.
- Host Name - - Host name of the client station. Use host name If fixed IP address is not available.
- IP Address - IP Address of client station.
- Port - Client reconnect port. Port client uses to accept incoming DICOM connection (i.e. Storage SCP service by Client to retrieve image from server as part of C-MOVE message process).
- Secure Port - Client reconnect secure port. If a secure port is specified it will be used instead of the port. Please note that one of the AddIns in the server must implement the secure communication for this to work. As for example, placing the LEADTOOLS default security AddIns (Leadtools.AddIn.Security.dll) to any server and configuring it will allow secure communication.
Edit AE Title button -Use this to edit existing client configuration. It is activate, when user select a client from the current client list. Clicking on the button displays Edit AE Title dialog similar to Add AE Title dialog.
Note: Double clicking on client list item also display the Edit AE Title dialog.
Delete AE Title - This will delete selected client configuration.
LEADTOOLS installs following sample PACS Framework Servers Demos: