The following is a list of LEAD DLLs that are required by the LEAD WIC-Enabled codec. You will also need to include libraries from the LEAD File Formats table below, depending on the codecs that you choose to register. The WIC LEAD Codecs also require .Net Framework 3.0, which is part of Windows Vista and Windows XP Service Pack 3.
LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec Required DLLs
Redistributable | Description | Win32 | x64 |
WIC Codec Kernel | Implements the intefaces for LEAD WIC-Enabled Bitmap Codecs. | LeadCodec.dll | LeadCodec.dll |
LTKRN | Leadtools Raster Imaging core classes, structures, and interfaces. | Lrkrnu.dll | Lrkrnx.dll |
LTFIL | Required for reading and writing image files. See below for information on individual file format filters. | Ltfilu.dll | Ltfilx.dll |
LTCLR | Required for the IWICColorContext support. | Ltclru.dll | Ltclrx.dll |
LTDIC | Required for DICOM support. | Ltdicu.dll | Ltdicx.dll |
LEAD File Formats
File Format Constant(s) | Description | Win32 Redistributables | x64 Redistributables |
Abc | LfAbcu.dll | LfAbcx.dll | |
AfpIcaUncompressed | LfIcau.dll | LfIcax.dll | |
AfpIcaIbmMmr, AfpIcaG31Dim, AfpIcaG32Dim, AfpIcaG4 | LfIcau.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfIcax.dll LfFaxx.dll |
Ani | LfAniu.dll | LfAnix.dll | |
Bmp, BmpRle | LfBmpu.dll | LfBmpx.dll | |
Cals , Cals2, Cals3, Cals4 | CALS Raster Format |
LfCalu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfCalx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
Clp, ClpRle | Microsoft Windows Clipboard Format | LfClpu.dll | LfClpx.dll |
Cmp | LfCmpu.dll | LfCmpx.dll | |
Cmw | LEAD Wavelet Format | LfCmwu.dll | LfCmwx.dll |
Dicom | LfDicu.dll | LfDicx.dll | |
Emf | LfWmfu.dll Lvkmu.dll |
LfWmfx.dll Lvkmx.dll |
Eps | Encapsulated PostScript | LfEpsu.dll | LfEpsx.dll |
Encapsulated PostScript |
LfEpsu.dll LfTifu.dll |
LfEpsx.dll LfTifx.dll |
Exif, ExifYcc, ExifJpeg411, ExifJpeg422 |
LfTifu.dll LfCmpu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfCmpx.dll |
Flc | Flic Animation | LfFlcu.dll | LfFlcx.dll |
Gif | Compuserve GIF Format | LfGifu.dll | LfGifx.dll |
Hdp HdpGray HdpCmyk |
LfHdpu.dll | LfHdpx.dll | |
IffIlbm IffCat IffIlbmUncompressed IffCatUncompressed | LfIffu.dll | LfIffx.dll | |
Img | LfImgu.dll | LfImgx.dll | |
IntergraphRle IntergraphCcittG4 | LfItgu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfItgx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
IcaIbmMmr, IcaUncompressed |
LfIcau.dll | LfIcax.dll | |
IcaG31Dim, IcaG32Dim, IcaG4 |
LfIcau.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfIcax.dll LfFaxx.dll |
J2k, Jp2 | JPEG 2000 Format | LfJ2ku.dll | LfJ2kx.dll |
Jbig2 | JBIG2 Format | LfJb2u.dll | LfJb2x.dll |
Jpeg, Jpeg411, Jpeg422, JpegRgb, JpegLab, JpegLab411, JpegLab422 | JPEG File Interchange Format (If you are loading or saving files that use CMYK or LAB color space, you will also need Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll.) | LfCmpu.dll | LfCmpx.dll |
Lead1Bit | LfLmbu.dll | LfLmbx.dll | |
LeadMrc | Mixed Raster Content |
LtSgmu.dll LfCmpu.dll LfFaxu.dll LfJbgu.dll |
LtSgmx.dll LfCmpx.dll LfFaxx.dll LfJbgx.dll |
Mac | LfMacu.dll | LfMacx.dll | |
Mng, MngGray, MngJng, MngJng411, MngJng422 | Multiple Network Graphics Format |
LfMngu.dll LfCmpu.dll |
LfMngx.dll LfCmpx.dll |
Msp | LfMspu.dll | LfMspx.dll | |
Mrc |
Lfsgmu.dll LfCmpu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
Lfsgmx.dll LfCmpx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
Os2, Os22 | OS/2 Bitmap Format | LfBmpu.dll | LfBmpx.dll |
PbmBinary, PbmAscii, PgmBinary, PgmAscii, PpmBinary, PpmAscii | Portable Bitmap Utilities Format | LfPnmu.dll | LfPnmx.dll |
Pcd |
LfPcdu.dll PCDSDK32.dll |
(Not supported for x64) | |
Pcx | ZSoft PCX Format | LfPcxu.dll | LfPcxx.dll |
PdfLeadMrc | Mixed Raster Content |
LtSgmu.dll LfCmpu.dll LfFaxu.dll LfJb2u.dll LfPdfu.dll Leadtools.PdfEngine.dll |
LtSgmx.dll LfCmpx.dll LfFaxx.dll LfJb2x.dll LfPdfx.dll Leadtools.PdfEngine.dll |
Png | Portable Network Graphics Format | LfPngu.dll | LfPngx.dll |
Psd | PhotoShop 3.0 Format | LfPsdu.dll | LfPsdx.dll |
Ras, RasRle | SUN Raster Format | LfRasu.dll | LfRasx.dll |
RasPdfCmyk, RasPdfLzwCmyk (Write Support) | Portable Document Format (PDF) |
LfPdfu.dll LfTifu.dll LtClru.dll |
LfPdfx.dll LfTifx.dll LtClrx.dll |
RawIcaIbmMmr, RawIcaUncompressed | Image Object Content Architecture Format | LfIcau.dll | LfIcax.dll |
RawIcaG31Dim, RawIcaG32Dim, RawIcaG4 | Image Object Content Architecture Format |
LfIcau.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfIcax.dll LfFaxx.dll |
Sgi, SgiRle | Silicon Graphics Format | LfSgiu.dll | LfSgix.dll |
Smp, SmpG31Dim, SmpG32Dim, SmpG4 | Xionics Format |
LfSmpu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfSmpx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
Tga, TgaRle | LfTgau.dll | LfTgax.dll | |
TifAbc | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfAbcu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfAbcx.dll |
Tif, TifYcc, TifPackbits, TifPackbitsYcc, TifLzw, TifLzwYcc, GeoTiff | TIFF Tagged Image File Format | LfTifu.dll | LfTifx.dll |
Ccitt, CcittGroup31Dim, CcittGroup32Dim, CcittGroup4 | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
TifCmw | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfCmwu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfCmwx.dll |
TifCmyk, TifPackbitsCmyk, TifLzwCmyk | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfClru.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfClrx.dll |
TifJpeg, TifJpeg422, TifJpeg411, TifCmp | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfCmpu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfCmpx.dll |
TifJbig2 | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfJb2u.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfJb2x.dll |
TifJ2k | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LfJ2ku.dll |
LfTifx.dll LfJ2kx.dll |
TifMrc | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LtSgmu.dll LfCmpu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LtSgmx.dll LfCmpx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
TifLeadMrc | TIFF Tagged Image File Format |
LfTifu.dll LtSgmu.dll LfCmpu.dll LfJbgu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfTifx.dll LtSgmx.dll LfCmpx.dll LfJbgx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
WfxG31Dim, WfxG4 | Delrina WinFax Format |
LfWfxu.dll LfFaxu.dll |
LfWfxx.dll LfFaxx.dll |
WinIco, PngIco, WinCur | Windows Icon and Cursor Format | LfBmpu.dll | LfBmpx.dll |
Wmf | Windows Metafile |
LfWmfu.dll LvKrnu.dll |
LfWmfu.dll LvKrnx.dll |
Wpg | WordPerfect Graphic Format | LfuWpgu.dll | LfuWpgx.dll |
Xbm | XWindows XBitMap Format | LfXbmu.dll | LfXbmx.dll |
Xpm | X Window PixMap Format | LfXpmu.dll | LfXpmx.dll |
Xps | XML Paper Specification (XPS) Format | LfXpsu.dll | LfXpsx.dll |
Xwd10, Xwd11 | X Window Dump Format | LfXwdu.dll | LfXwdx.dll |