- Start Visual Studio .NET.
- Start with the project that you created in Reading Bar Codes Tutorial
- Drag and drop a button in Form1. Change the following properties: Property Value: Name: btnFindDuplicate Text: Find Duplicate
- Add the following code for the btnFindDuplicate control’s click procedure:
Visual Basic
Private Sub btnFindDuplicate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFindDuplicate.Click Dim msg As String Dim data As BarcodeData = _readBarData(0) If data.IsDuplicated Then Dim dupIndex As Integer = data.GetFirstDuplicatedIndex(0) If dupIndex < 0 Then msg = String.Format("Error occurred in the GetFirstDuplicatedIndex method. Error No. = {0}\n", dupIndex) MessageBox.Show(Me, msg) Else ' Display the first duplicate barcode information. data = _readBarData(dupIndex) Dim barDataMsg As String = String.Format("Barcode Data = {0}\nType = {1}\nLeft = {2}\nTop = {3}\nRight = {4}\nBottom = {5}\n", _ BarcodeData.ConvertToStringArray(data.Data), _ data.SearchType, _ data.Location.Left, _ data.Location.Top, _ data.Location.Right, _ data.Location.Bottom) MessageBox.Show(Me, barDataMsg) dupIndex = data.GetNextDuplicated(dupIndex) If dupIndex < 0 Then msg = String.Format("Error occurred in the GetNextDuplicated method. Error No. = {0}\n", dupIndex) MessageBox.Show(Me, msg) Else ' Display the next duplicate barcode information. data = _readBarData(dupIndex) barDataMsg = String.Format("Barcode Data = {0}\nType = {1}\nLeft = {2}\nTop = {3}\nRight = {4}\nBottom = {5}\n", _ BarcodeData.ConvertToStringArray(data.Data), _ data.SearchType, _ data.Location.Left, _ data.Location.Top, _ data.Location.Right, _ data.Location.Bottom) MessageBox.Show(Me, barDataMsg) End If End If Else msg = String.Format("This Barcode is not duplicated ...") MessageBox.Show(Me, msg) End If End Sub
private void btnFindDuplicate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msg; BarcodeData data = _readBarData[0]; if (data.IsDuplicated) { int dupIndex = data.GetFirstDuplicatedIndex(0); if (dupIndex < 0) { msg = string.Format("Error occurred in the GetFirstDuplicatedIndex method. Error No. = {0}\n", dupIndex); MessageBox.Show(this, msg); } else { /* Display the first duplicate barcode information. */ data = _readBarData[dupIndex]; string barDataMsg = string.Format("Barcode Data = {0}\nType = {1}\nLeft = {2}\nTop = {3}\nRight = {4}\nBottom {5}\n", BarcodeData.ConvertToStringArray(data.Data), data.SearchType, data.Location.Left, data.Location.Top, data.Location.Right, data.Location.Bottom); MessageBox.Show(this, barDataMsg); dupIndex = data.GetNextDuplicated(dupIndex); if (dupIndex < 0) { msg = string.Format("Error occurred in the GetNextDuplicated method. Error No. = {0}\n", dupIndex); MessageBox.Show(this, msg); } else { /* Display the next duplicate barcode information. */ data = _readBarData[dupIndex]; barDataMsg = string.Format("Barcode Data = {0}\nType = {1}\nLeft = {2}\nTop = {3}\nRight = {4}\nBottom = {5}\n", BarcodeData.ConvertToStringArray(data.Data), data.SearchType, data.Location.Left, data.Location.Top, data.Location.Right, data.Location.Bottom); MessageBox.Show(this, barDataMsg); } } } else { msg = string.Format("This Barcode is not duplicated ..."); MessageBox.Show(this, msg); } }
- Build, and Run the program to test it.