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Introduction to LEADTOOLS Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

The Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation environment provides a consistent programming model for building applications. Directly related to XAML, it provides a clear separation between business logic and the user interface, enabling you to build applications that blend the user interface, documents, images, and other content for delivery on the desktop or across-the-web. That is, business logic models developed by business analysts, marketing departments, or end users (using XAML plug-ins) can be used natively as application front-ends. This eliminates the need for coding (or re-coding) from "storyboards," instead allowing for direct collaboration among web developers, art departments, business analysts, and back-end programmers.

WPF is pre-installed in Windows Vista, and is also available for installation on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003.

WPF supports robust imaging capabilities, interface automation, data-driven user interfaces and visualization, as well as Windows shell integration. WPF can natively access Windows Imaging Component (WIC) codecs and APIs, allowing developers to write image codecs for their specific image file formats.

LEADTOOLS for WPF takes full advantage of this capability, to provide you with out-of-the-box support for displaying, loading, saving, converting or processing all image formats supported by the Microsoft Windows BitmapSource class in the WPF environment, as well as the 150+ formats supported by LEADTOOLS Imaging toolkits.

For feature articles, downloads, and community support, visit the MSDN and WindowsClient.NET forums and communities.

LEADOOLS Imaging Pro SDKs support image processing (transforms, filters, drawing), display, special effects, and compression for 150+ file formats, including JPEG, JPEG 2000 [read], TIFF, CCITT G4 and LEAD's proprietary CMP, CMW, and ABC.

Key Features: