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WiaSession Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Wia Namespace : WiaSession Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WiaSession.

Public Constructors

public Constructor WiaSession Constructor

Constructs a new WiaSession object with default values.


Public Properties

public Property AcquireOptionsGets or sets some memory and file transfer options that affect the acquisition process from the current WIA source.  
public Property FilesCountGets the number of files saved when acquiring using File mode.  
public Property FilesPathsGets a String collection that contains the saved file path(s) when performing a file transfer.  
public Property SelectedDeviceTypeGets the currently selected WIA device type.  

Public Methods

public Method AcquireAcquires one or more images from a WIA source.  
public Method AcquireImageFromVideoExtracts a still image from the video stream, and saves the image as a JPEG file.  
public Method AcquireSimpleAcquires one or more images from a WIA source.  
public Method AcquireToFileAcquires one or more images from a WIA source directly to file(s).  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. This member supports the Leadtools infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
public Method EndVideoPreviewShuts down the streaming video.  
public Method EnumCapabilitiesEnumerates all of the available WIA driver capabilities and properties and determines the available values for each one.  
public Method EnumChildItemsEnumerates all available child items for the root item specified in the parentItem parameter.  
public Method EnumDevicesEnumerates all available system WIA devices connected to the user's machine.  
public Method EnumFormatsEnumerates all of the available WIA driver transfer formats.  
public Method FreeItemFrees the items enumerated by the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumChildItems method.  
public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) GetCategoryGuidRetrieves the relevant System.Guid structure for the WIA 2.0 item's category.  
public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) GetFormatGuidRetrieves the relevant System.Guid structure for the passed file format ID.  
public Method GetPropertiesGets the properties for the specified item.  
public Method GetPropertyBufferRetrieves the buffer of type Stream for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.UI1 or WiaVariableTypes.Vector .  
public Method GetPropertyGuidRetrieves the Guid structure for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.Clsid .  
public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) GetPropertyIdStringGets the equivalent string for the passed property ID.  
public Method GetPropertyLongRetrieves the Long value for a WIA property of any of the following types: WiaVariableTypes.I1, WiaVariableTypes.UI1, WiaVariableTypes.I2, WiaVariableTypes.UI2, WiaVariableTypes.I4, WiaVariableTypes.UI4, WiaVariableTypes.Int, WiaVariableTypes.UInt, WiaVariableTypes.R4, or WiaVariableTypes.R8.  
public Method GetPropertyStringRetrieves a string buffer for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.Bstr.  
public Method GetPropertySystemTimeRetrieves a System.DateTime structure for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.UI2 or WiaVariableTypes.Vector.  
public Method GetRootItemGets the equivalent string for the passed property ID.  
public Method GetSelectedDeviceGets a string that contains the ID for currently selected device.  
public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) IsAvailableDetermines which version of the WIA source is installed.  
public Method IsVideoPreviewAvailableDetermines whether there is an available video preview.  
public Method raise_AcquireEventOccurs while acquiring from the WIA source.  
public Method raise_AcquireFileEventOccurs while acquiring to file from the WIA source.  
public Method raise_EnumCapabilitiesEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA capabilities of the selected WIA source.  
public Method raise_EnumDevicesEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA devices.  
public Method raise_EnumFormatsEventOccurs while enumerating the supported WIA transfer formats of the selected WIA source.  
public Method raise_EnumItemsEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA child items.  
public Method raise_SetPropertiesEventOccurs while setting the WIA properties.  
public Method ResizeVideoPreviewResizes the video playback to the largest supported resolution that fits inside the parent window.  
public Method SelectDeviceSelects the WIA device represented by the passed device ID.  
public Method SelectDeviceDlgDisplays a dialog box that enables the user to select a WIA hardware device for image acquisition.  
public Method SetPropertiesSets the values of the properties to the values specified in the WiaProperties structure into the WIA device’s item passed through the item parameter.  
public Method SetPropertyBufferFill the Stream buffer for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.UI1 or WiaVariableTypes.Vector .  
public Method SetPropertyGuidSets properties values of type WiaVariableTypes.Clsid.  
public Method SetPropertyLongSets the Long value for any WIA property of type: WiaVariableTypes.I1, WiaVariableTypes.UI1, WiaVariableTypes.I2, WiaVariableTypes.UI2, WiaVariableTypes.I4, WiaVariableTypes.UI4, WiaVariableTypes.Int, WiaVariableTypes.UInt, WiaVariableTypes.R4 and WiaVariableTypes.R8.  
public Method SetPropertyStringSets a string value for any WIA property of type WiaVariableTypes.Bstr that is not Read only.  
public Method SetPropertySystemTimeSets the date and time of the specified item as a form of System.DateTime structure for WIA property type WiaVariableTypes.UI2 or WiaVariableTypes.Vector.  
public Method ShutdownEnds a WIA session.  
public Method StartupInitializes the WIA session.  
public Method StartVideoPreviewStarts the video preview inside the window handle specified through the owner parameter.  

Protected Methods

protected Method FinalizeThis member overrides System.Object.Finalize.  
protected Method raise__acquireEventOccurs while acquiring from the WIA source.  
protected Method raise__acquireFileEventOccurs while acquiring to file from the WIA source.  
protected Method raise__enumCapabilitiesEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA capabilities of the selected WIA source.  
protected Method raise__enumDevicesEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA devices.  
protected Method raise__enumFormatsEventOccurs while enumerating the supported WIA transfer formats of the selected WIA source.  
protected Method raise__enumItemsEventOccurs while enumerating the WIA child items.  
protected Method raise__setPropertiesEventOccurs while setting the WIA properties.  

Public Events

public Event AcquireEventOccurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.Acquire or WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the EndOfPage flag through the Flags member of the WiaAcquireEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.  
public Event AcquireFileEventOccurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the WiaSession.AcquireToFile method and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the EndOfPage flag through the Flags member of the WiaAcquireFileEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.  
public Event EnumCapabilitiesEventOccurs for each found capability of the currently selected WIA source after calling the WiaSession.EnumCapabilities method.  
public Event EnumDevicesEventOccurs for each found WIA device after calling the WiaSession.EnumDevices method.  
public Event EnumFormatsEventOccurs for each found supported transfer format of the currently selected WIA source after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumFormats method.  
public Event EnumItemsEventOccurs for each found WIA child item after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumChildItems method.  
public Event SetPropertiesEventOccurs while setting each property inside the WiaProperties structure after calling the WiaSession.SetProperties method.  

See Also