LEADTOOLS Workflow Barcode (Leadtools.Workflow.Barcode assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
BarcodeData Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Workflow.Barcode Namespace : BarcodeData Class


For a list of all members of this type, see BarcodeData members.


Public Properties

public Property DataSpecifies the barcode data.  
public Property DataCode(Read only) Returns the MicroPDF417 barcode function code word for Code 128 emulation.  
public Property DuplicateCount(Read only) Gets the total number of barcodes duplicated for the current barcode.  
public Property DuplicatedIndex(Read only) Returns the index of the first barcode that is a duplicate of the specified barcode.  
public Property Flags(Read only) Returns flags used by the BarcodeReadActivity activity.  
public Property GroupSpecifies whether the barcode symbol is a member of a group of symbols.  
public Property IndexDuplicate(Read only) Gets a zero-based index of the next duplicated barcode.  
public Property IsDuplicated(Read-only) Gets a value that indicates whether the specified barcode is duplicated.  
public Property LocationSpecifies the location of the barcode on the image.  
public Property SearchTypeGets or sets the barcode type to be read or written.  
public Property TotalCount(Read only) Gets the total number of recognized barcodes by calling the BarcodeReadActivity.  
public Property UnitGets or sets the unit of measurement for the Location property.  
public Property UserDataGets an System.Collections.IDictionary that associates custom data with this class instance. (Inherited from System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyObject)

Protected Properties

See Also