Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Enum RasterDialogStringsId Inherits System.Enum Implements IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
Visual Basic (Usage) | ![]() |
Dim instance As RasterDialogStringsId |
C# | |
public enum RasterDialogStringsId : System.Enum, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
C++/CLI | |
public enum class RasterDialogStringsId : public System.Enum, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
Member | Description |
FileInformationArtist | String ID for the File Information dialog "Artist" string. |
FileInformationBitsPerPixel | String ID for the File Information dialog "Bits per pixel" string. |
FileInformationCaption | String ID for the File Information dialog "File Information" caption string. |
FileInformationClose | String ID for the File Information dialog "Close" string. |
FileInformationCompression | String ID for the File Information dialog "Compression" string. |
FileInformationCopyright | String ID for the File Information dialog "Copyright" string. |
FileInformationDateTime | String ID for the File Information dialog "Date/Time" string. |
FileInformationDescription | String ID for the File Information dialog "Description" string. |
FileInformationDisclaimer | String ID for the File Information dialog "Disclaimer" string. |
FileInformationDocumentUnitInch | String ID for the File Information dialog "inches" string. |
FileInformationDocumentUnitMillimeter | String ID for the File Information dialog "millimeters" string. |
FileInformationDocumentUnitPixel | String ID for the File Information dialog "pixels" string. |
FileInformationFormat | String ID for the File Information dialog "Format" string. |
FileInformationFormatAbc | String ID for the File Information dialog "ABC(abc)." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp)." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 1 Dimensional." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 2 Dimensional." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group4." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaIbmMmr | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Mmr Compressed." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaUncompressed | String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Uncompressed." string. |
FileInformationFormatAfpIm1 | String ID for the File Information dialog "IM1-AFP Advanced Function Presentation" string. |
FileInformationFormatAni | String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Animated Cursor(ANI)." string. |
FileInformationFormatAnz | String ID for the File Information dialog "Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5" string. |
FileInformationFormatAwd | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Fax(awd)." string. |
FileInformationFormatBmp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)." string. |
FileInformationFormatBmpRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)(With Rle)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCals | String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCals2 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCals3 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 3)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCals4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 4)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCcitt | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt." string. |
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(2 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 4." string. |
FileInformationFormatCin | String ID for the File Information dialog "Cineon Format(Cin)." string. |
FileInformationFormatClp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)" string. |
FileInformationFormatClpRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)(Rle compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCmp | String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Compressed(Cmp)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCmw | String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Cmw." string. |
FileInformationFormatCrw | String ID for the File Information dialog "Canon RAW Format(crw)." string. |
FileInformationFormatCut | String ID for the File Information dialog "Dr.Halo." string. |
FileInformationFormatDcr | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format(dcr)." string. |
FileInformationFormatDcs | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format(dcs)." string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomColor | String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Color" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Grayscale" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kColor | String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Color" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Grayscale" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomJpegColor | String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Color" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomJpegGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Grayscale" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomRleColor | String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Color" string. |
FileInformationFormatDicomRleGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Grayscale" string. |
FileInformationFormatDjvu | String ID for the File Information dialog "DjVu Format(djvu)." string. |
FileInformationFormatDoc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 Word Document" string. |
FileInformationFormatDocx | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Word Document 2007" string. |
FileInformationFormatEcw | String ID for the File Information dialog "Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Format(ecw)." string. |
FileInformationFormatEmf | String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile(EMF)" string. |
FileInformationFormatEps | String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string. |
FileInformationFormatEpsPostscript | String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string. |
FileInformationFormatEpsTiff | String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster Tiff(Encapsulated PostScript Tiff)." string. |
FileInformationFormatEpsWmf | String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster WMF( Encapsulated PostScript WMF)." string. |
FileInformationFormatExif | String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif." string. |
FileInformationFormatExifJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg)." string. |
FileInformationFormatExifJpeg411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatExifJpeg422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatExifYcc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(YCC)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFaxG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimNoEol | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Group 3 1 Dimensional - with no EOL)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFaxG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(2 dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFaxG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 4." string. |
FileInformationFormatFit | String ID for the File Information dialog "Fits Format(Fit)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFlc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(Flc)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFli | String ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(FLI)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFpx | String ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string. |
FileInformationFormatFpxJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string. |
FileInformationFormatGeoTif | String ID for the File Information dialog "GEO TIFF2" string. |
FileInformationFormatGeoTiff | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(GeoTiff)." string. |
FileInformationFormatGif | String ID for the File Information dialog "CompuServe Gif." string. |
FileInformationFormatHdp | String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification. |
FileInformationFormatHdpCmyk | String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Cmyk(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification. |
FileInformationFormatHdpGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Gray(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification. |
FileInformationFormatIcaAbic | String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA files Abic compression" string. |
FileInformationFormatIcaG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(1 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIcaG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(2 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIcaG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIcaIbmMmr | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Mmr Compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIcaUncompressed | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(uncompressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIffCat | String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIffCatUncompressed | String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat uncompressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIffIlbm | String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIffIlbmUncompressed | String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm uncompressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatImg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Gem Image(IMG)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIntergraphCcittG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Ccitt Group 4 compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatIntergraphRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Rle compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJ2k | String ID for the File Information dialog "J2k - Lossy or Lossless." string. |
FileInformationFormatJbig | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jbig Jbig(JBG)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJbig2 | String ID for the File Information dialog "JBIG 2" string. |
FileInformationFormatJp2 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jp2 - Lossy or Lossless." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpeg12 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string. |
FileInformationFormatJpeg411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpeg422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpeg8 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string. |
FileInformationFormatJpegLab411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:1:1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpegLab422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:2:2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpegLab444 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab)." string. |
FileInformationFormatJpm | String ID for the File Information dialog "JPM (jpm)" string. |
FileInformationFormatJpx | String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG 2000 part-2 (JPX)." string. |
FileInformationFormatKdc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc)." string. |
FileInformationFormatKdc120 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 120)." string. |
FileInformationFormatKdc40 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 40)." string. |
FileInformationFormatKdc50 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 50)." string. |
FileInformationFormatLaserData | String ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string. |
FileInformationFormatLead1Bit | String ID for the File Information dialog "Lead1Bit LEAD 1-bit." string. |
FileInformationFormatLeadMrc | String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Mrc format" string. |
FileInformationFormatLosslessJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless Jpeg" string. |
FileInformationFormatLosslessTifJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless TIF Jpeg" string. |
FileInformationFormatMac | String ID for the File Information dialog "MacPaint(MAC)." string. |
FileInformationFormatMng | String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics" string. |
FileInformationFormatMngGray | String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Gray)" string. |
FileInformationFormatMngJng | String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng)" string. |
FileInformationFormatMngJng411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 411)" string. |
FileInformationFormatMngJng422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 422)" string. |
FileInformationFormatMrc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Mrc format" string. |
FileInformationFormatMsp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Paint(MSP)." string. |
FileInformationFormatOs2 | String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string. |
FileInformationFormatOs22 | String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPbmAscii | String ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Ascii." string. |
FileInformationFormatPbmBinary | String ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Binary." string. |
FileInformationFormatPcd | String ID for the File Information dialog "PhotoCD(pcd)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPct | String ID for the File Information dialog "Macintosh Pict Format(pct)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPcx | String ID for the File Information dialog "ZSoft Pcx." string. |
FileInformationFormatPgmAscii | String ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Ascii." string. |
FileInformationFormatPgmBinary | String ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Binary." string. |
FileInformationFormatPng | String ID for the File Information dialog "Png(Portable Network Graphics)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPngIco | String ID for the File Information dialog "Vista Png Icon(ico)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPpmAscii | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Ascii." string. |
FileInformationFormatPpmBinary | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Binary." string. |
FileInformationFormatPpt | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 PowerPoint Presentation" string. |
FileInformationFormatPptx | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2007 PowerPoint Presentation" string. |
FileInformationFormatPsd | String ID for the File Information dialog "Photoshop 3.0(Psd)." string. |
FileInformationFormatPtoca | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ptoca Format(Ptoca)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRas | String ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster(Ras)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdf | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 4l)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRasRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster Format(Ras)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRaw | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawBitfields | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(BitField compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawCcitt | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Ccitt compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 1Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 2Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawIcaIbmMmr | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Raw Mmr Compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawIcaUncompressed | String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(raw uncompressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Jpeg compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawPackBits | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Packbits compressed)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawRgb | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawRle4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 4-bit)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRawRle8 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 8-bit)." string. |
FileInformationFormatRtfRaster | String ID for the File Information dialog "Rich Text Format(rtf)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSct | String ID for the File Information dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Format(Sct)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSff | String ID for the File Information dialog "Structured Fax File Format(Sff)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSgi | String ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSgiRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)(Rle)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSid | Deprecated - No longer supported. String ID for the File Information dialog "Dr SID(sid)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSmp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSmpG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSmpG32Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSmpG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 4)." string. |
FileInformationFormatSnp | String ID for the File Information dialog "MS Access Report Snapshots" string. |
FileInformationFormatTdb | String ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db" string. |
FileInformationFormatTdbVista | String ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db Vista" string. |
FileInformationFormatTga | String ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTgaRle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)(Rle)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTif | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifCmp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with LEAD Cmp compression)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifCmw | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(LEAD Cmw)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifCmyk | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Cmyk(With Cmyk compression)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifCustom | String ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifDxf | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with embedded DXF)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJ2k | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(Jpeg 2000)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJbig | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig compression)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg12 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg8 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string. |
FileInformationFormatTifLead1Bit | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(With LEAD 1-bit compression)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifLeadMrc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff LEAD Mrc format" string. |
FileInformationFormatTifLzw | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff with Lzw Compression." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifLzwCmyk | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw(Cmyk)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifLzwYcc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw YCC." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifMrc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Mrc format" string. |
FileInformationFormatTifPackBits | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsCmyk | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(Cmyk)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifPackbitsYcc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(YCC)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifUnknown | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Unknown image data)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG31D | String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G31D)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG32D | String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G32D)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G4)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifxJbig | String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(JBIG)." string. |
FileInformationFormatTifxJbigT43 | String ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Fax Jbig T43" string. |
FileInformationFormatTifYcc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff YCC." string. |
FileInformationFormatTxt | String ID for the File Information dialog "ASCII Text format(txt)." string. |
FileInformationFormatUnknown | String ID for the File Information dialog "Unknown(or Raw Data)." string. |
FileInformationFormatVff | String ID for the File Information dialog "SUN TCCA Visualization File Format" string. |
FileInformationFormatWbmp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Wireless Bitmap Format(Wbmp)." string. |
FileInformationFormatWfxG31Dim | String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string. |
FileInformationFormatWfxG4 | String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 4." string. |
FileInformationFormatWinCur | String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Cursor(CUR)" string. |
FileInformationFormatWinIco | String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Icon(ICO)." string. |
FileInformationFormatWmf | String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Metafile(WMF)." string. |
FileInformationFormatWmz | String ID for the File Information dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile(wmz)." string. |
FileInformationFormatWpg | String ID for the File Information dialog "WordPerfect(WPG)." string. |
FileInformationFormatXbm | String ID for the File Information dialog "Xbm." string. |
FileInformationFormatXls | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Excel Workbook" string. |
FileInformationFormatXlsx | String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Excel 2007 XML Workbook" string. |
FileInformationFormatXpm | String ID for the File Information dialog "Xpm Window PixMap." string. |
FileInformationFormatXwd | String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd)." string. |
FileInformationFormatXwd10 | String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 10)." string. |
FileInformationFormatXwd11 | String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 11)." string. |
FileInformationHeight | String ID for the File Information dialog "Height" string. |
FileInformationHelp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Help" string. |
FileInformationHostComputer | String ID for the File Information dialog "Host Computer" string. |
FileInformationItem | String ID for the File Information dialog "Item:" string. |
FileInformationMake | String ID for the File Information dialog "Make" string. |
FileInformationMisc | String ID for the File Information dialog "Misc" string. |
FileInformationModel | String ID for the File Information dialog "Model" string. |
FileInformationName | String ID for the File Information dialog "Name" string. |
FileInformationNameofDocument | String ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Document" string. |
FileInformationNameofPage | String ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Page" string. |
FileInformationOriginalPageSize | String ID for the File Information dialog "Original page size:" string. |
FileInformationPage | String ID for the File Information dialog "Page" string. |
FileInformationSizeInMemory | String ID for the File Information dialog "Size in memory" string. |
FileInformationSizeOnDisk | String ID for the File Information dialog "Size on disk" string. |
FileInformationSoftware | String ID for the File Information dialog "Software" string. |
FileInformationTifZip | String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-ZIP" string. |
FileInformationTitle | String ID for the File Information dialog "Title" string. |
FileInformationValue | String ID for the File Information dialog "Value:" string. |
FileInformationWarning | String ID for the File Information dialog "Warning" string. |
FileInformationWidth | String ID for the File Information dialog "Width" string. |
FileInformationXps | String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document (xps)" string. |
FileInformationXpsJpeg | String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string. |
FileInformationXpsJpeg411 | String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string. |
FileInformationXpsJpeg422 | String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string. |
FileInformationXResolutionDPI | String ID for the File Information dialog "XResolution (DPI)" string. |
FileInformationYResolutionDPI | String ID for the File Information dialog "YResolution (DPI)" string. |
FileSaveOptionsAppend | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Append" string. |
FileSaveOptionsCancel | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Cancel" string. |
FileSaveOptionsCaption | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "File Save Options" string. |
FileSaveOptionsCompression | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression" string. |
FileSaveOptionsCompressionControl | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Control:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsCompressionRatio | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Ratio:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsGeneral | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "General" string. |
FileSaveOptionsHelp | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Help" string. |
FileSaveOptionsInsert | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Insert" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kAdvanced | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "J2k Options..." string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kColor | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Color-axis" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kCompRatio | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression Ratio" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kLossless | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Lossless" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kPosition | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Position-axis" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kQuality | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality-axis" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityFactor | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality Factor" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution1 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 1" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution2 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 2" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJ2kTargetSize | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target File Size" string. |
FileSaveOptionsJbig2 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "JBIG2 Options..." string. |
FileSaveOptionsMultipage | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Multipage" string. |
FileSaveOptionsOk | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "OK" string. |
FileSaveOptionsOperation | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Operation:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsOverwrite | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Overwrite" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPageNo | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Page No.:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdf13 | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.3" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdf14 | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.4" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdf15 | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.5" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdf16 | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.6" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdfA | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF\A" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdfDefault | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "Default" string. |
FileSaveOptionsPdfProfiles | String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF Profiles:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg1 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "1" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg10 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "10" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg2 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "2" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg3 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "3" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg4 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "4" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg5 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "5" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg6 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "6" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg7 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "7" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg8 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "8" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProg9 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "9" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProgAll | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "All" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProgMeaningful | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Meaningful Only" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProgOptions | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressive Options:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsProgressingOrder | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressing Order:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactor | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "QualityFactor:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorCustom | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Custom" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorLessTiling | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumCompression | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumQuality | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality1 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 1" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality2 | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 2" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQuality | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality more important than size" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityAndSize | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality and size equally important" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSharp | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string. |
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSuperQuality | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality far more important than size" string. |
FileSaveOptionsReplace | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Replace" string. |
FileSaveOptionsStampBpp | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsStampHeight | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Height:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsStampOptions | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Stamp Options" string. |
FileSaveOptionsStampSave | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Save" string. |
FileSaveOptionsStampWidth | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Width:" string. |
FileSaveOptionsTargetSize | String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target Size:" string. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRectangle | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox rectangle item. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRegion | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox region item. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIBottom | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog bottom label. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROICancel | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Cancel button. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROICaption | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog caption. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIContorl | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog label. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIEnable | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Enable checkbox. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIHelp | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Help button. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROILeft | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog left label. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIOK | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog OK button. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIRight | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog right label. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROITop | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog top label. |
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIWeight | String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog weight label. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannel | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Alpha Channel" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelActiveBits | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Active Bits:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelLossless | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Lossless" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsCancel | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Cancel" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsCaption | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Jpeg 2000 Options" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlock | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Code Block" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockHeight | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockWidth | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsDecompressLevel | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Decompress Level" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsDefaultOptions | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Default Options" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsDerivedBase | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Derived Base" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsErrorResilience | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Error Resiliences Symbol" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsExponent | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Exponent" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHeight | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHorizontal | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileOffset | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Offset" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileSize | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Size" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileVertical | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileWidth | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsGeneralSettings | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "General Settings" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsGuardBits | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Guard Bits:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsHelp | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Help" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsMantissa | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Mantissa" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsMarkers | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Markers" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffset | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Offset" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetHorizontal | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetVertical | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsOk | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "OK" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSize | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Precinct Size:" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeFull | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Full" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne128 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 128" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne256 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 256" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne512 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 512" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne64 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 64" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo128 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 128" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo256 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 256" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo512 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 512" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo64 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 64" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform1024 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 1024" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform128 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 128" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform2048 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 2048" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform256 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 256" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform512 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 512" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform64 | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 64" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsPredictableTermination | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Predictable Termination" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsResetContext | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Reset Context On Boundaries" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsSelectiveAcBypass | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Selective AC bypass" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsTermination | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Termination On Each Pass" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseColorTransform | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Color Transform" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseDerivedQuantization | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Derived Quantization" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseEphMarker | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Eph Marker" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseSopMarker | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Sop Marker" string. |
J2kAdvanceOptionsVerticallyCausal | String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertically Causal Context" string. |
Jbig2OptionsCancel | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Cancel" string. |
Jbig2OptionsCaption | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "JBIG2 Options" string. |
Jbig2OptionsDictionarySymbol | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Dictionary symbol" string. |
Jbig2OptionsDifferenceThreshold | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Difference Threshold" string. |
Jbig2OptionsEnableDictionary | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Enable dictionary" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat1 | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat1X | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1X" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat1Y | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1Y" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat2 | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat2X | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2X" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat2Y | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2Y" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat3 | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat3X | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3X" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat3Y | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3Y" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat4 | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat4X | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4X" string. |
Jbig2OptionsGbat4Y | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4Y" string. |
Jbig2OptionsHelp | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Help" string. |
Jbig2OptionsKeepAll | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Keep all" string. |
Jbig2OptionsOk | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "OK" string. |
Jbig2OptionsQFactor | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Q Factor" string. |
Jbig2OptionsRemoveUnrepeated | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Remove Unrepeated" string. |
Jbig2OptionsResolution | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Resolution" string. |
Jbig2OptionsResolutionX | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "X Resolution" string. |
Jbig2OptionsResolutionY | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Y Resolution" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSetting | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Settings" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSettingImage | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Image" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSettingText | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMax | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxArea | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum area" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxHeight | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum height" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxWidth | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum width" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMin | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinArea | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum area" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinHeight | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum height" string. |
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinWidth | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum width" string. |
Jbig2OptionsTemplate | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Template" string. |
Jbig2OptionsTextSymbol | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text symbol" string. |
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines10Pixel | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 10 pixel" string. |
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines13Pixel | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 14 pixel" string. |
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines16Pixel | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 16 pixel" string. |
Jbig2OptionsTwoLines10Pixel | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "2 lines 10 pixel" string. |
Jbig2OptionsTypicalPrediction | String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Typlical prediction" string. |
LoadOptionsAnz | String ID for the File Information dialog "Anz" string. |
LoadOptionsAnzView | String ID for the File Information dialog "ANZ View:" string. |
LoadOptionsAnzViewCoronal | String ID for the File Information dialog "Coronal" string. |
LoadOptionsAnzViewSagittal | String ID for the File Information dialog "Sagittal" string. |
LoadOptionsAnzViewTransverse | String ID for the File Information dialog "Transverse" string. |
LoadOptionsCancel | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Cancel" string. |
LoadOptionsCaption | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Caption" string. |
LoadOptionsFullPath | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Full Path" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneral | String ID for the Load Options dialog "General" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralLoadCompressed | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Compressed" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralLoadRotated | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Rotated" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPageNo | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page No.:" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses1 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "1" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses10 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "10" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses2 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "2" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses3 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "3" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses4 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "4" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses5 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "5" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses6 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "6" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses7 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "7" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses8 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "8" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses9 | String ID for the Load Options dialog "9" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPassesAll | String ID for the Load Options dialog "All" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralPassesMeaningfulOnly | String ID for the Load Options dialog "MeaningfulOnly" string. |
LoadOptionsGeneralProressivePasses | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Progressive Passes:" string. |
LoadOptionsHelp | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Help" string. |
LoadOptionsNoOptions | String ID for the Load Options dialog "No Options" string. |
LoadOptionsNotImageFormatFile | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Not Image Format File" string. |
LoadOptionsOk | String ID for the Load Options dialog "OK" string. |
LoadOptionsPdf | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Pdf" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfDisplayDepth | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Display Depth ( Bpp ):" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfGraphicsAlpha | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Graphics Alpha ( Bits ):" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfHorizontal | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfResolutionDpi | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution ( Dpi )" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfTextAlpha | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Text Alpha ( Bits ):" string. |
LoadOptionsPdfVertical | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterDpi | String ID for the Load Options dialog "DPI:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterHeight | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Height:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocument | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Rasterize Document" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentBottomMargin | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Bottom margin:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentLeftMargin | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Left margin:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageHeight | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page height:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageWidth | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page width:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentResolution | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentRightMargin | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Right margin:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Size mode:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFit | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitAlways | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Always" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitWidth | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Width" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeNone | String ID for the Load Options dialog "None" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeStretch | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Stretch" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentTopMargin | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Top margin:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnit | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Unit:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitInch | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Inch" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitMillimeter | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Millimeter" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitPixel | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Pixel" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterNoResolutions | String ID for the Load Options dialog "No Resolutions Available" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterResolution | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string. |
LoadOptionsRasterWidth | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Width:" string. |
LoadOptionsResolution | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution" string. |
LoadOptionsVff | String ID for the File Information dialog "Vff" string. |
LoadOptionsVffView | String ID for the File Information dialog "VFF View:" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewDownToUp | String ID for the File Information dialog "Down To Up" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewFrontToRear | String ID for the File Information dialog "Front To Rear" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewLeftToRight | String ID for the File Information dialog "Left To Right" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewRearToFront | String ID for the File Information dialog "Rear To Front" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewRightToLeft | String ID for the File Information dialog "Right To Left" string. |
LoadOptionsVffViewUpToDown | String ID for the File Information dialog "Up To Down" string. |
LoadOptionsXls | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" string for XLS tab. |
LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageSheet | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Multi Page Sheet" string. |
LoadOptionsXps | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xps" string. |
LoadOptionsXpsHorizontal | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string. |
LoadOptionsXpsResolutionDpi | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution (Dpi)" string. |
LoadOptionsXpsVertical | String ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string. |
OpenCancel | String ID for the Open dialog "Cancel" string. |
OpenDeletePage | String ID for the Open dialog "Delete" string. |
OpenDeletePageMessageBody | String ID for the Open dialog "Delete page d?" string. |
OpenDeletePageMessageTitle | String ID for the Open dialog "Delete Page" string. |
OpenErrorDeletingMessageBody | String ID for the Open dialog "Error Deleting Page!" string. |
OpenFileInfoErrorMessageBody | String ID for the Open dialog "Error {0}: Information not available for\n {1}" string. |
OpenFileInfoErrorMessageTitle | String ID for the Open dialog "FileInfo Error" string. |
OpenFileInfoToolTip | String ID for the Open dialog "File Info" string. |
OpenFileName | String ID for the Open dialog "File name:" string. |
OpenFilesoftype | String ID for the Open dialog "Files of type:" string. |
OpenHelp | String ID for the Open dialog "Help" string. |
OpenLookin | String ID for the Open dialog "Look in" string. |
OpenOk | String ID for the Open dialog "Open" string. |
OpenPreviewNotAvailable | String ID for the Open dialog "Preview not available" string. |
OpenPreviewPage | String ID for the Open dialog "Page:" string. |
OpenPreviewSelectedFileToolTip | String ID for the Open dialog "Preview Selected File" string. |
OpenShowOptionsonOpen | String ID for the Open dialog "Show Options dialog on open" string. |
SaveBPP | String ID for the Save dialog "BPP:" string. |
SaveCancel | String ID for the Save dialog "Cancel" string. |
SaveFileName | String ID for the Save dialog "File name:" string. |
SaveFilesoftype | String ID for the Save dialog "Files of type:" string. |
SaveHelp | String ID for the Save dialog "Help" string. |
SaveLookin | String ID for the Save dialog "Look in" string. |
SaveMultipageOverwriteErrorMessageBody | String ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to replace it?" string. |
SaveMultipageUpdateErrorMessageBody | String ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to update it?" string. |
SaveOk | String ID for the Save dialog "Save" string. |
SaveOptions | String ID for the Save dialog "Options..." string. |
SaveQualityFactor | String ID for the Save dialog "QualityFactor:" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcEnhance | String ID for the Save dialog "Enhance compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcLossless | String ID for the Save dialog "Lossless compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcLosslessFast | String ID for the Save dialog "Lossless Fast compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcLossyFast | String ID for the Save dialog "Lossy Fast compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1 | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 1 compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1Fast | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified1 fast compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2 | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2Fast | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 Fast compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3 | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3Fast | String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 Fast compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcRemoveBorder | String ID for the Save dialog "Remove Border compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorAbcVirtualLossless | String ID for the Save dialog "Virtual Lossless compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorCustom | String ID for the Save dialog "Custom" string. |
SaveQualityFactorLessTiling | String ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string. |
SaveQualityFactorMaximumCompression | String ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression" string. |
SaveQualityFactorMaximumQuality | String ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string. |
SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality1 | String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 1" string. |
SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality2 | String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 2" string. |
SaveQualityFactorQuality | String ID for the Save dialog "Quality more important than size" string. |
SaveQualityFactorQualityAndSize | String ID for the Save dialog "Quality and size equally important" string. |
SaveQualityFactorSharp | String ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string. |
SaveQualityFactorSuperQuality | String ID for the Save dialog "Quality far more important than size" string. |
SaveSubType | String ID for the Save dialog "Sub Type:" string. |
Refer to RasterOpenDialog example.
Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7