Available in LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging toolkits. |
#include "ltdic.h"
static pDICOMCONTEXTGROUP LDicomContextGroup::GetFirst()
Returns a pointer to the first Context Group in the Context Group Table.
Pointer to a DICOMCONTEXTGROUP structure that specifies the first Context Group in the Context Group Table. |
The Context Group Table is empty. |
Use the LDicomContextGroup::Load and LDicomContextGroup::Insert functions to add Context Groups to the Context Group Table.
Along with this function, the following functions can be used to maneuver through the Context Groups in the Context Group Table:
You can also use the LDicomContextGroup::GetCount and LDicomContextGroup::FindIndex functions to enumerate the Context Groups in the table.
The Coded Concepts of a Context Group can be investigated using the following functions:
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTDIC For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application |
Win32, x64
See Also
L_INT LDicomContextGroup_GetFirstExample() { L_INT nRet; LDicomContextGroup::Reset (); // Load all the Context Groups nRet = LDicomContextGroup::Load (); if(nRet != DICOM_SUCCESS) return nRet; pDICOMCONTEXTGROUP pGroup; L_TCHAR szMsg[256]; // Enumerate them (3 possible ways) #if 1 // One possible way to enumerate the Context Groups pGroup = LDicomContextGroup::GetFirst(); while (pGroup) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\n%s\n\nEnumerate Coded Concepts?"), pGroup->pszContextIdentifier, pGroup->pszName); nRet = ::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT("Context Group"), MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (nRet == IDYES) { // Refer to the example of LDicomContextGroup::GetFirstCodedConcept // for the function EnumCodedConcepts EnumCodedConcepts(pGroup); } else if (nRet == IDCANCEL) { break; } pGroup = LDicomContextGroup::GetNext(pGroup); } #elif 0 // Another way to enumerate the Context Groups L_UINT32 uGroupsCount = LDicomContextGroup::GetCount(); for (L_UINT32 i = 0; i < uGroupsCount; i++) { pGroup = LDicomContextGroup::FindIndex(i); wsprintf(szMsg,TEXT( "%s\n%s\n\nEnumerate Coded Concepts?"), pGroup->pszContextIdentifier, pGroup->pszName); nRet = ::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT("Context Group"), MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (nRet == IDYES) { EnumCodedConcepts(pGroup); } else if (nRet == IDCANCEL) { break; } } #elif 0 // A third way to enumerate the Context Groups pGroup = LDicomContextGroup::GetLast(); while (pGroup) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\n%s\n\nEnumerate Coded Concepts?"), pGroup->pszContextIdentifier, pGroup->pszName); nRet = ::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, "Context Group", MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (nRet == IDYES) { EnumCodedConcepts(pGroup); } else if (nRet == IDCANCEL) { break; } pGroup = LDicomContextGroup::GetPrev(pGroup); } #endif return DICOM_SUCCESS; }