
#include "ltivw.h"

L_LTIVW_API L_INT L_DispContainerAnnToRgn(hCellWnd, nSubCellIndex, uCombineMode, bDeleteAnn, uFlags)

HWND hCellWnd;

/* handle to the cell window */

L_INT nSubCellIndex;

/* index into the image list attached to the cell */

L_UINT uCombineMode;

/* action to apply on the existing region */

L_BOOL bDeleteAnn;

/* flag */

L_UINT uFlags;

/* reserved for future use */

Converts a selected annotation object inside a specific cell or sub-cell into a region, this region will be either set or combined with another existing region.




A handle to the window that represents the cell on which the function's effect will be applied.


A zero-based index into the image list attached to the cell specified in nCellIndex. This image contains the annotation object that the user chooses to convert into region. Pass -1 to apply this effect on all sub-cells. Pass -2 to apply this effect on the selected sub-cell.


Value that specifies the action to apply on the existing bitmap region, if one is defined. For descriptions of the possible values, refer to Creating a Bitmap Region Inside the Image Viewer.


Flag that indicates whether to delete the annotation object after converting it to a region. Possible values are:






Delete the annotation object after completing the process.



Do not delete the annotation object after completing the process.


Reserved for future use. Pass 0.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The chosen sub-cell or cell must have a selected annotation in order to convert it into a region. If there is no selected annotation, the function will return ERROR_INV_PARAMETER.

This function works only on the closed shape annotation objects, such as rectangle, ellipse and Hilite.

If you have a cell with one image, you must set nSubCellIndex to zero.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


L_DispContainerCreate, L_DispContainerDestroy, L_DispContainerSetAction, L_DispContainerAddAction, L_DispContainerGetSelectedAnnotationAttributes


Working with Annotations

Image Viewer Functions: Working with Annotations


This function inverts a region inside the bitmap, we assumed that we have one cell, and there is a selected rectanglur or elliptical annotation on it.

#if defined LEADTOOLS_V17_OR_LATER

L_INT DispContainerAnnToRgnExample(HDISPCONTAINER hCon) 
   L_INT        nRet;

   L_INT nCellIndex = 0;
   HWND hCellWnd = L_DispContainerGetCellWindowHandle(hCon, nCellIndex, 0);

   nRet = L_DispContainerAnnToRgn(hCellWnd, -2, L_RGN_SET, TRUE, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   // Just apply the effect on the active sub-cell.
   // this is done by setting the nSubCell parameter to -2.
   nRet = L_DispContainerGetBitmapHandle(hCellWnd, -2, &Bitmap, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

#if defined (LEADTOOLS_V16_OR_LATER)
   nRet = L_InvertBitmap(&Bitmap, 0);
   nRet = L_InvertBitmap(&Bitmap);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   nRet = L_DispContainerSetBitmapHandle(hCellWnd, -2, &Bitmap, FALSE, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   // Repaint the cell after the user is done with the changes.
   nRet = L_DispContainerRepaintCell(hCellWnd, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   return SUCCESS;


L_INT DispContainerAnnToRgnExample(HDISPCONTAINER hCon) 
   L_INT        nRet;

   nRet = L_DispContainerAnnToRgn(hCon, 0, -2, L_RGN_SET, TRUE, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   // Just apply the effect on the active sub-cell.
   // this is done by setting the nSubCell parameter to -2.
   nRet = L_DispContainerGetBitmapHandle(hCon, 0, -2, &Bitmap, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

#if defined (LEADTOOLS_V16_OR_LATER)
   nRet = L_InvertBitmap(&Bitmap, 0);
   nRet = L_InvertBitmap(&Bitmap);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   nRet = L_DispContainerSetBitmapHandle(hCon, 0, -2, &Bitmap, FALSE, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   // Repaint the cell after the user is done with the changes.
   nRet = L_DispContainerRepaintCell(hCon, 0, 0, 0);
   if (nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   return SUCCESS;
