Available in LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Vector, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTFIL_API L_INT L_LoadChannel(pszFile, pBitmap, uStructSize, nBitsPerPixel, nOrder, nChannel, pChannelInfo, pLoadOptions)
L_TCHAR* pszFile; |
/* name of a file */ |
/* pointer to the target bitmap handle */ |
L_UINT uStructSize; |
/* size in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pBitmap */ |
L_INT nBitsPerPixel; |
/* resulting bitmap pixel depth */ |
L_INT nOrder; |
/* color order for 16-, 24-, 32-, 48, and 64-bit bitmaps */ |
L_INT nChannel; |
/* index of the channel to load */ |
pCHANNELINFO pChannelInfo; |
/* pointer to a structure */ |
/* pointer to optional extended load options */ |
Loads the specified channel from the specified file. Currently only PSD files support channels.
Parameter |
Description |
pszFile |
Character string containing the name of the file from which to load the channel. |
pBitmap |
Pointer to the bitmap handle referencing the target bitmap. |
uStructSize |
Size in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pBitmap, for versioning. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE). |
nBitsPerPixel |
Resulting bitmap pixel depth. The following are valid values: |
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
Keep the original file's pixel depth (Do not convert). A special note about loading 12 and 16-bit grayscale images. |
1 to 8 |
The specified bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
12 |
12 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
16 |
16 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
24 |
24 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
32 |
32 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
48 |
48 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
64 |
64 bits per pixel in the resultant bitmap. |
nOrder |
Color order for 16-, 24-, 32-, 48-, and 64-bit bitmaps. If the resultant bitmap is less than 16 bits per pixel, this will have no effect since palletized images have no order. The following are valid values: |
Value |
Meaning |
[0] Red, green, and blue color order in memory |
[1] Blue, green, and red color order in memory |
[2] 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are only supported in Document and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
[3] Load the image as red, green, blue OR as a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are supported in Document and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
[4] Load the image as blue, green, red OR as a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are supported in Document and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
[5] ROMM order. ROMM only supports 24 and 48-bit images. |
[6] Load the image as red, green, blue OR as a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image OR as ROMM. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are supported in Document and Medical Imaging toolkits. ROMM only supports 24 and 48-bit color images. |
nChannel |
Index of the channel to load. This index is zero-based. Pass 0 to load the first channel, 1 to load the second channel, etc. |
pChannelInfo |
Pointer to a CHANNELINFO structure to be updated with information about the loaded channel. The uStructSize member should be set to the sizeof (CHANNELINFO) before calling this function. |
pLoadOptions |
Pointer to optional extended load options. Pass NULL to use the default load options. |
The function was successful. |
< 1 |
An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale images is only available in Document and Medical Imaging toolkits.
Currently, only the PSD file format supports channels.
This function works similarly to the L_LoadBitmap function, except that it loads only a channel from a file. It loads the channel specified in nChannel.
Before calling this function, you may need to get or set file information, such as the number of channels on the file. Refer to Getting and Setting File Information.
The number of channels in a file is indicated in FILEINFO.Channels. If FILEINFO.Channels is 0, the file does not contains any channels and this function should not be called.
Since the function allocates storage to hold the image, it is up to you to free this storage by calling L_FreeBitmap.
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTFIL For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application. |
Win32, x64.
See Also
Functions: |
Topics: |
This example loads all channels from a file.
L_INT LoadAllChannelsExample(L_VOID) { L_INT nRet = 0; FILEINFO FileInfo; BITMAPHANDLE Bitmap; CHANNELINFO ChannelInfo; L_INT nIndex = 0; L_TCHAR *pszChannel = NULL; memset(&FileInfo, 0, sizeof(FILEINFO)); FileInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(FileInfo); if(L_FileInfo(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("Bear.psd")), &FileInfo, sizeof(FILEINFO), 0, NULL) == SUCCESS) { for(nIndex= 0; nIndex < FileInfo.Channels; nIndex++) { memset(&ChannelInfo, 0, sizeof(CHANNELINFO)); ChannelInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(CHANNELINFO); nRet = L_LoadChannel(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("Bear.psd")), &Bitmap, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), 0, ORDER_RGB, nIndex, &ChannelInfo, NULL); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; wsprintf (pszChannel, MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("Channel_%d.bmp")), nIndex); nRet = L_SaveBitmap(pszChannel, &Bitmap, FILE_BMP, 8, 0, NULL); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; } } return SUCCESS; }