File Formats: XML Paper Specification (XPS)

XPS (XML Paper Specification) is a raster file format was developed in Microsoft and supported by XPS Viewer.

This format is one aspect of the new graphics architecture for handling screen display and printing. It provides a safe and secure way to store and share electronic documents.

LEADTOOLS® supports the loading and saving of XPS files. LEADTOOLS® supports the loading XPS files at different resolutions, depending on the user's preference. LFileSettings::SetXPSOptions and  LFileSettings::GetXPSOptions methods

The default extension is: .xps.

LEAD supports version 1.0 of this format.


Note: If the support for this file format is locked and the user loaded a sample file, then a thumbnail will be loaded showing the image.

The file constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



24 BPP*

1,4,8,24 and 32

[322] Raster XPS file with images saved as PNG.



8 BPP (Grayscale)

[324] JPEG File Interchange Format



24 BPP

[324] Raster XPS with JPEG 4:4:4 Compression



24 BPP

[325] Raster XPS with JPEG 4:2:2 Compression.



24 BPP

[326] Raster XPS with JPEG 4:1:1 Compression.

Required DLL: LFXPS, LFPNG, LFCMP, and .NET Frame work 3.0. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

Related Formats: PDF - Portable Document Format, TXT - Text Format.

For more information on the format, refer to

*NOTE: When you request file information on a XPS file, FILE_XPS will always be returned for the file format, regardless of the composition of the XPS file. LEADTOOLS can read XPS documents that are made up of both text and images.  The text and images are rasterized into one raster image for each page of the document. LEADTOOLS can write XPS documents that are made up of raster images only.


Win32, x64.