
Windows AVI Format (AVI)

Windows AVI (AVI) is a file format created by Microsoft and used for multimedia files. These files store both audio and video data.

LEADTOOLS Raster SDK will load both compressed and uncompressed AVI files as 24-bit multi-page files. Compressed files will be loaded if the appropriate VFW* codec exists on your machine.

LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK has complete support for AVI files. Load both uncompressed and compressed AVI files as true multimedia objects using DirectShow technology. Compressed AVI files are loaded using the appropriate DirectShow decoder, if available. Only LEADTOOLS Multimedia products support the creation of AVI files.

* LEAD provides VFW codecs for H263 and MCMP/MJPG.

File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



24 BPP


[59] Windows AVI (video) file.

Required DLL: LFAVI. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

Related Formats: