AnnBoundingRectTop property (Main Control)
Basic example
C++ 4.0 example
Syntax float AnnBoundingRectTop(OLE_HANDLE hObject);
Overview: Refer to Implementing Annotations.
(Read only) (Document/Medical only) Gets the top boundary of the bounding rectangle of the specified annotation object. This is the rectangle in which the object is displayed. The unit of measure is determined by the ScaleMode property.
The bounding rectangle is different from the defining rectangle as follows:
The defining rectangle intersects the outermost points that define the object. If a line is more than one pixel wide, its defining points are in the middle of the line. Refer to the AnnRectXXX properties.
The bounding rectangle accounts for line width and is used as the rectangle to be invalidated when displaying an object. If the line width is an even number, the bounding rectangle is enlarged slightly to allow for variations in how the center of the line is defined on different systems.
Half the width of an object's outer line is outside its defining rectangle,
as shown in the following diagram:
See Also
Elements: AnnRectHeight property, AnnBoundingRectHeight property, AnnRectLeft property, AnnBoundingRectLeft property, AnnRectTop property, AnnRectWidth property, AnnBoundingRectWidth property
Topics: Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation