AnnMenu event (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax void AnnMenu (IAnnMenu *AnnMenu);

Overview:  Refer to Annotation Menu


(Document/Medical only) Occurs just before an annotation automation menu is displayed.

The AnnMenu parameter is an object that references the menu that will be displayed. You can use this AnnMenu object to modify the menu prior to displaying it.

The following properties and methods are associated with the AnnMenu object:

Count property

ItemString property

ItemID property

ItemType property

ItemChecked property

ItemEnabled property

DeleteItem method

AddItem method

GetSubMenu Method

See Also

Elements:  Count property, ItemString property, ItemID property, ItemType property, ItemChecked property, ItemEnabled property, DeleteItem method, AddItem method, GetSubMenu Method, AnnUserMenu event

Topics:  Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation