AnnSetMetafile method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short AnnSetMetafile(OLE_HANDLE hObject, OLE_HANDLE hMetafile, short nType, BOOL bSelected);

Overview:  Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Sets the metafile for a stamp object.

Only stamp objects, hotspot objects, and freehand hotspot objects can have metafiles. Note that for stamps, setting the metafile destroys the stamp object’s bitmap and text. Also, setting a bitmap or text destroys the metafile associated with the stamp object. (The stamp object can have Text, Bitmap or Metafile and each of these cancels the other two).

If nType == ANNMETAFILE_USER, then hMetafile is the metafile handle. Any of the windows functions may be used to create a metafile.

If nType is one of the ANNMETAFILE_XXX values, then hMetafile is ignored and the default metafiles are used instead. The annotation DLL has 25 predefined metafiles. Change the predefined metafiles by using AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method.

See Also

Elements:  AnnGetMetafile method, AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method, AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method

Topics:  Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation