AutoSetTool property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax BOOL AutoSetTool

Overview:  Refer to Annotation Toolbar.


Contains a value that indicates whether the toolbar will automatically set the automation tool. Possible values are:




Setting the AnnTool property of the LEAD control will also set the Tool property of the AnnTool object and will update the annotation toolbar, if the bar has been created.


The AnnTool property property of the LEAD control and the Tool property of the AnnTool object are independent.

If you want to synchronize the AnnTool property property of the LEAD main control and the Tool property of the AnnTool object, you should set AutoSetTool to TRUE, or keep track of the currently selected tool by intercepting the AnnToolChecked event of the main control.

See Also

Elements:  ButtonBitmapDown property, ButtonBitmapUp property, ButtonColumns property, ButtonCount property, ButtonMenuText property, ButtonMenuTextID property, ButtonMenuTool property, ButtonRows property, ButtonTool property, ButtonToolCount property, ButtonToolTipText property, ButtonToolTipTextID property, ButtonVisible property, Create method, hWnd property, Tool property, Visible property

Topics:  Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation