AnnDeletePageMemory example for Visual Basic
'This sample saves the annotations as the first page of a multipage annotation file in memory
'The annotations are flipped, and saved as the second page
'The annotations are rotated, and saved as the third page
'Information is displayed about the annotation file
'The second page is deleted, and information is again displayed about the annotation file
'Assume this global declaration:
' Dim hGlobal as OLE_HANDLE
Private Sub SampleAnnFileInfoMemory_Click()
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim strFormat As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim lSize As Long
Dim uFormat As Long
'Save as the first page of the annotation file
hGlobal = 0
LEAD1.AnnSaveMemory hGlobal, uFormat, False, lSize, SAVE_OVERWRITE, 0
'Flip the container, and save as the second page (insert before page 2)
LEAD1.AnnFlip True, LEAD1.BitmapHeight / 2, False
LEAD1.AnnSaveMemory hGlobal, uFormat, False, lSize, SAVE_INSERT, 2
'Rotate the container, and save as the third page
'Here we could pass the SAVE_INSERT flag and 3 for nPage,
'but instead we will use the SAVE_APPEND flag
LEAD1.AnnRotate False, LEAD1.BitmapWidth / 2, LEAD1.BitmapHeight / 2, 45, False
LEAD1.AnnSaveMemory hGlobal, uFormat, False, lSize, SAVE_APPEND, 0
'Verify contents of file
nRet = LEAD1.AnnFileInfoMemory(hGlobal, lSize)
If (nRet = 0) Then
Select Case LEAD1.AnnInfoFormat
strFormat = "ANNFMT_NATIVE"
strFormat = "ANNFMT_WMF"
strFormat = "ANNFMT_ENCODED"
Case Else
strFormat = "Unknown"
End Select
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg + "Format: " + strFormat + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Version: " + Str(LEAD1.AnnInfoVersion) + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Total Pages: " + Str(LEAD1.AnnInfoTotalPages) + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Total Size: " + Str(lSize) + Chr(13)
MsgBox strMsg
MsgBox "Invalid Annotation Memory File"
End If
'Now delete the second page, and display informtion
LEAD1.AnnDeletePageMemory hGlobal, lSize, 2
'Verify contents of file
nRet = LEAD1.AnnFileInfoMemory (hGlobal, lSize)
If (nRet = 0) Then
Select Case LEAD1.AnnInfoFormat
Case ANNFMT_NATIVE ' Cut command.
strFormat = "ANNFMT_NATIVE"
Case ANNFMT_WMF ' Copy command.
strFormat = "ANNFMT_WMF"
Case ANNFMT_ENCODED ' Clear command.
strFormat = "ANNFMT_ENCODED"
Case Else
strFormat = "Unknown"
End Select
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg + "Format: " + strFormat + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Version: " + Str(LEAD1.AnnInfoVersion) + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Total Pages: " + Str(LEAD1.AnnInfoTotalPages) + Chr(13)
strMsg = strMsg + "Total Size: " + Str(lSize) + Chr(13)
MsgBox strMsg
MsgBox "Invalid Annotation File"
End If
'If finished with hGlobal, then free the memory by calling GlobalFree
End Sub