AnnRectLeft example for Visual Basic
Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
Private Sub LEAD1_AnnEnumerate(ByVal hObject As Stdole.OLE_HANDLE)
Select Case iEnumerate
Case 0
' Code that tests AnnGetVisible
If LEAD1.AnnGetVisible(hObject) = True Then
MsgBox CStr(LEAD1.AnnGetType(hObject)), vbOK, "Visible"
MsgBox CStr(LEAD1.AnnGetType(hObject)), vbOK, "NOT Visible"
End If
Case 1
' Code that tests AnnSetTag/AnnGetObjectFromTag
a$ = InputBox("Tag for object " + CStr(LEAD1.AnnGetType(hObject)))
LEAD1.AnnSetTag hObject, CInt(a$)
Case 2
' code that tests the object positioning properties
LEAD1.AnnRectLeft(hObject) = LEAD1.AnnRectLeft(hObject) + 50
Case 3
' code that tests the object positioning properties
LEAD1.AnnRectTop(hObject) = LEAD1.AnnRectTop(hObject) + 50
Case 4
' code that tests the object positioning properties
LEAD1.AnnRectWidth(hObject) = LEAD1.AnnRectWidth(hObject) + 50
Case 5
' code that tests the object positioning properties
LEAD1.AnnRectHeight(hObject) = LEAD1.AnnRectHeight(hObject) + 50
Case 6
' bring a message box showing the value of AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable for hObject
MsgBox CStr(LEAD1.AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable(hObject, 0, ANNAUTOTEXT_MENU_DELETE))
End Select
End Sub