AnnSaveMemory example for Visual Basic
Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
This example lets you save the current annotations to a file in memory, and lets you load the annotations that were saved.
1. Start with the project that you created in Creating and Using Annotations.
2. Add the following to the declarations procedure of the general object in your main form:
Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Dim hMem As Long ' For WIN16 this would be declared as Integer
Dim iSize As Long
3. At the top of your main form,
add two command buttons and name them as follows:
Name Caption
AnnSaveMem Save In Memory
AnnLoadMem Load From Memory
4. Code the AnnSaveMem button's Click procedure as follows:
hMem = 0
If Lead1.AnnSaveMemory (hMem, ANNFMT_NATIVE, False, iSize, SAVE_OVERWRITE, 0) <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Error calling AnnSaveMemory")
End If
5. Code the AnnLoadMem button's Click procedure as follows:
'Load the annotations from the memory-resident file.
If Lead1.AnnLoadMemory(hMem, iSize, 1) <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Error calling AnnLoadMemory")
MsgBox ("AnnLoadMemory succeeded")
End If
GlobalFree (hMem)
6. Run your program to test it.