How to Control Capture Buffer Settings using the DVR Sink Object (C++)


The following method for C++ shows how to get the DVR Sink object from the ltmmPlayControl object, using it to set DVR settings.

void CDVRExample::StartDVRCapture(LPTSTR szBufferFile, long fileCount, double bufferSize) {   USES_CONVERSION;   HRESULT hr = S_OK;   m_captureCtrl->EnterEdit();   BSTR bstrBufferFile = ::SysAllocString(T2OLE(szBufferFile));    // Tell the capture control where to store the captured data   m_captureCtrl->put_TargetFile(bstrBufferFile);   ::SysFreeString(bstrBufferFile);   // Get the graph ready to capture video and audio, but don't start capturing yet   hr = m_captureCtrl->ReadyCapture(ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoAndAudio | ltmmCapture_Mode_InhibitRun);   if(SUCCEEDED(hr))   {      IUnknown *punk = NULL;      // Get the sink object unknown interface      hr = m_captureCtrl->GetSubObject(ltmmCapture_Object_Sink, &punk);      if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && NULL != punk)      {         ILMDVRSink *pDvrSink = NULL;         // Get the sink interface from the unknown object         HRESULT hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_ILMDVRSink, (LPVOID*)&pDvrSink);                  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))         {            // Tell the sink that settings are going to change            pDvrSink->StartChangingAttributes();            // Set the folder count (one buffer folder) and number of buffer files and their maximum size            pDvrSink->put_FolderCount(1);            pDvrSink->SetBufferSize(0, fileCount, bufferSize);                        // Apply the DVR settings            pDvrSink->StopChangingAttributes(FALSE);                        // Release the sink interface            pDvrSink->Release();         }         // Release the unknown interface           punk->Release();      }      // Start the graph capturing data        hr = m_captureCtrl->RunCapture();   }   m_captureCtrl->LeaveEdit(); }