How to Play a UDP MPEG2 Stream with DVR Buffer Capturing (C++)


The following C++ method demonstrates how to use the ltmmPlayControl to play a UDP MPEG2 source stream with modified DVR buffer settings:


void CDVRExample::PlayUDPSourceWithDVRBuffer()
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;

       // Open the UDP Stream, but dont auto start

      IUnknown *punk = NULL;
      HRESULT hr = m_player->GetSubObject(ltmmPlay_Object_SourceFilter, &punk);

      if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
         ILMDVRSink *pDvrSink;
         hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_ILMDVRSink, (LPVOID*)&pDvrSink);

         if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
             // Tell the DVR Sink that settings are about to change

             // Set only one DVR buffer folder

             // Set the buffer base file name to 'Capture.LBL'

             // Set the buffer folder location to 'C:\Temp'
            pDvrSink->put_FolderName(0, L"C:\\Temp");

             // Set the buffer folder to have 5 buffer data files, each at 100MB max size
            pDvrSink->SetBufferSize(0, 5, 102400000);

             // Commit the changed settings now


       // Run the stream
   catch ( ... )
      ASSERT ( FALSE );