How to Network (Client and Server) Using a User-Defined Protocol

The following example demonstrates how to network (client and server) using a user-defined protocol. For an example of how to create a user-defined protocol, refer to How to Create a User-Defined Protocol.

The Server Side:

C Source

   // To use the network protocol manager interface, use the following code

   // Note that the protocol manager interface will use the protocol

   // interface

   ILMNetProtocolManager* pProtocol;

   ILMNetConnectionPoint *pConnection = NULL;

   ILMNetConnection* pServerCon = NULL;

   BSTR strPeer;

   BYTE *pBuff = NULL;

   DWORD dSize;


   HRESULT hRes = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_LMNetProtocolManager, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_ILMNetProtocolManager, (void**) &pProtocol);

   if (FAILED(hRes))



   // Create the server connection point   

   hRes = ILMNetProtocol_CreateConnectionPoint(pProtocol, L"myschema://", &pConnection);

   if (FAILED(hRes))






   // Wait for the new incoming connection.



      ILMNetConnectionPoint_GetConnection(pConnection, &pServerCon, 1000);


   } while (pServerCon == NULL);


   // To check whether there is a connection, use the following code

   if (ILMNetConnection_IsConnected(pServerCon) != S_OK)







   // Get the peer name (Client Name)

   ILMNetConnection_GetPeerName(pServerCon, &strPeer);


   // Free the string when no longer needed



   // The server is now ready to send the data

   pBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(1024);

   dSize = 1024;

   ILMNetConnection_Send(pServerCon, pBuff, dSize, &dSize, 1000);


   // If there is any blocking call, call the CancelBlockingCall method



   // To disconnect, call the Disconnect method



   // Close the connection point



   // Free the pointers




C++ Source

   // To use the network protocol manager interface, use the following code

   // Note that the protocol manager interface will use the protocol

   // interface

   ILMNetProtocolManager* pProtocol;

   HRESULT hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LMNetProtocolManager, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILMNetProtocolManager, (void**) &pProtocol);

   if (FAILED(hRes))



   // Create the server connection point

   ILMNetConnectionPoint *pConnection = NULL;   

   hRes = pProtocol->CreateConnectionPoint(L"myschema://", &pConnection);

   if (FAILED(hRes))






   // Wait for the new incoming connection.

   ILMNetConnection* pServerCon = NULL;



      pConnection->GetConnection(&pServerCon, 1000);


   } while (pServerCon == NULL);


   // To check whether there is a connection, use the following code

   if (pServerCon->IsConnected() != S_OK)







   // Get the  peer name (Client Name)

   BSTR strPeer;



   // Free the string when no longer needed



   // The server is now ready to send the data

   BYTE *pBuff = new BYTE[1024];

   DWORD dSize = 1024;

   pServerCon->Send(pBuff, dSize, &dSize, 1000);


   // If there is any blocking call, call the CancelBlockingCall method



   // To disconnect, call the Disconnect method



   // Close the connection point



   // Free the pointers

   delete [] pBuff;



The Client Side:

C Source

   ILMNetProtocolManager* pProtocol;

   ILMNetConnection* pClientCon;

   BSTR strPeer;

   BYTE *pBuff;

   DWORD dSize;

   HRESULT hRes;


   // To use the network protocol manager interface, use the following code

   // Note that the protocol manager interface will use the protocol

   // interface

   hRes = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_LMNetProtocolManager, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_ILMNetProtocolManager, (void**) &pProtocol);

   if (FAILED(hRes))



   // Connect to the server

   hRes = ILMNetProtocol_Connect(pProtocol, L"myschema://", &pClientCon, 1000);

   if (FAILED(hRes))






   // To check whether there is a connection, use the following code

   if (ILMNetConnection_IsConnected(pClientCon) != S_OK)







   // Get the  peer name (Server Name)

   ILMNetConnection_GetPeerName(pClientCon, &strPeer);


   // Free the string when no longer needed



   // The client is now ready to receive the data

   pBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(1024);

   dSize = 1024;

   ILMNetConnection_Recv(pClientCon, pBuff, dSize, &dSize, 1000);


   // If there is any blocking call, call the CancelBlockingCall method



   // To disconnect, call the Disconnect method



   // Free the pointers




C++ Source

   // To use the network protocol manager interface, use the following code

   // Note that the protocol manager interface will use the protocol

   // interface

   ILMNetProtocolManager* pProtocol;

   HRESULT hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LMNetProtocolManager, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILMNetProtocolManager, (void**) &pProtocol);

   if (FAILED(hRes))



   // Connect to the server

   ILMNetConnection* pClientCon;

   hRes = pProtocol->Connect(L"myschema://", &pClientCon, 1000);

   if (FAILED(hRes))






   // To check whether there is a connection, use the following code

   if (pClientCon->IsConnected() != S_OK)







   // Get the  peer name (Server Name)

   BSTR strPeer;



   // Free the string when no longer needed



   // The client is now ready to receive the data

   BYTE *pBuff = new BYTE[1024];

   DWORD dSize = 1024;

   pClientCon->Recv(pBuff, dSize, &dSize, 1000);


   // If there is any blocking call, call the CancelBlockingCall method



   // To disconnect, call the Disconnect method



   // Free the pointers

   delete [] pBuff;

