Convert DVD with Subtitles for C++

The following example shows how to convert one chapter of a DVD title as well as how to enable DVD subtitles during conversion when you use the DVD Source object.

// This function will select one chapter in a certain title
void SelectChapter(IltmmDVDTitle *pTitle, int nChapterIndex)
   long nCount;
   for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
      IltmmDVDChapter *pChapter;
      if(pTitle->GetChapter(i, &pChapter) == S_OK)
         pChapter->put_Selected(i == nChapterIndex ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE);
   This function will select the main title for conversion.
   Within the main title, it will select only the second chapter.
   It will also select the first subtitle stream.
void SelectOneChapterAndSubtitles(IltmmConvert *pConvert)
   IUnknown *punk;
   IltmmDVDSource* pDVDSource;
   // Get the DVD source interface
   pConvert->GetSubObject(ltmmConvert_Object_SourceFilter, &punk);
   if (punk)
      punk->QueryInterface(IID_IltmmDVDSource, (void**)&pDVDSource);
      if (pDVDSource)
         IltmmDVDTitle *pTitle;
         long lCount;
         long lVal;
         // Select the main title
         // We now need to select one chapter and enable subtitles for this title
         // For that, we will loop through the titles and find out which one was selected above
         // Get the title count in the disc
         for (int i = 0; i < lCount; i++)
            // Get the title interface
            pDVDSource->GetTitle(i, &pTitle);
            if (pTitle)
               long bSelected;
                  // we found the main title
                  // (Optional step). We will convert only one chapter to speed up the conversion. 
                  // We will select the 2nd chapte, because the first chapter will sometimes have movie credits and little dialogue
                  // Chapters are 0-based, so the second chapter has index 1
                  SelectChapter(pTitle, 1);
                  // Get the subpicture stream count
                  if(lVal > 0)
                     // Select the first subpicture stream
#define LEAD_MPEG2_ENCODER L"@device:sw:{33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\\LEAD MPEG2 Encoder (3.0)"
#define LEAD_MPEG_AUDIO_ENCODER L"@device:sw:{33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\\LEAD MPEG Audio Encoder (2.0)"
// select a certain encoder
void SelectCompressor(IltmmCompressors *pCompressors, LPCWSTR pszCompressorName)
   long index;
   BSTR bstrCompressorName = SysAllocString(pszCompressorName);
   pCompressors->Find(bstrCompressorName, &index);
// convert one chapter with subtitles (close captioning)
HRESULT ConvertOneChapterWithSubtitles()
   IltmmConvert *pConvert;
   HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ltmmConvert, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IltmmConvert, (void**) &pConvert);
      return hr;
   // use the DVD source for greater control over the DVD conversion process
   // set the source, compressors and target format
   IltmmCompressors *pCompressors;
   // select mpeg2 encoder
   SelectCompressor(pCompressors, LEAD_MPEG2_ENCODER);
   // select mpeg audio encoder
   SelectCompressor(pCompressors, LEAD_MPEG_AUDIO_ENCODER);
   // this function is the interesting part of the example
   hr = pConvert->StartConvert();
   // wait for conversion to finish... Not very elegant, but we want to keep the example simple
   ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Wait to finish"), TEXT("wait"), MB_OK);
   return hr;