ltmmMediaType.Format Property

Visual Basic example


object.Format As Variant


(Read-only). Gets the direct reference to the format buffer.

This property will allow direct access to the format buffer for in-process servers. However, if the interface is marshaled across process boundaries, then the client will only be accessing a copy of the data. In such a case, the client should call ltmmMediaType.SetFormatData to alter the contents of the format buffer.

The array cannot be resized. To resize the format buffer, set the ltmmMediaType.FormatSize property and then access the ltmmMediaType.Format property again.


Win32, x64

See Also


ltmmMediaType.FixedSizeSamples Property, ltmmMediaType.FormatSize Property, ltmmMediaType.FormatType Property, ltmmMediaType.SampleSize Property, ltmmMediaType.Subtype Property, ltmmMediaType.TemporalCompression Property, ltmmMediaType.Type Property, ltmmMediaType.GetFormatData Method, ltmmMediaType.SetFormatData Method


ltmmMediaType object