ltmmMultiStreamTarget.SetAcceptedMediaType Method

Visual Basic Example 1

Visual Basic Example 2



object.SetAcceptedMediaType(Stream As Long, MediaType As ltmmMediaType)


Sets the media type of a stream.

The passed media type might only partially describe the media type the stream can accept; this is intended for specifying the major properties of the media type (although you can specify all properties of the media type). This media type might be different from the connected media type returned by GetConnectedMediaType.

The user should define the media type for each stream before the multi stream target object is added to any other multimedia object.

If the method fails, an error is raised. For more information, refer to the Error Codes.


Win32, x64

See Also


ltmmMultiStreamTarget.StreamCount Propertyd, ltmmMultiStreamTarget.GetAcceptedMediaType Method, ltmmMultiStreamTarget.GetConnectedMediaType Method, ltmmMultiStreamTarget.GetSample Method, ltmmMultiStreamTarget.WaitForSample Method


ltmmMultiStreamTarget Object


ltmmMediaType Object