Creating DVD Images Example for Visual Basic

' The following code demonstrates how to create DVD images using the LEAD Multimedia toolkit: 

Option Explicit

Dim LTDVDWriter As LTDVDWriter
Dim Index As Integer
Dim State As Long
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" _
   (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private Sub Command1_Click()

    ' set up the converter:
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFormat = ltmmConvert_TargetFormat_DVD
    Index = ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors.Find("@device:sw:{33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\LEAD MPEG2 Encoder Also known as compressor Also known as an encoder, this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder., this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder Also known as a decompressor, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data.. (2.0)")
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors.Selection = Index
    Index = ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors.Find("@device:sw:{33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\LEAD MPEG Audio Encoder (2.0)")
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors.Selection = Index

    Form1.MousePointer = 11 ' busy
    ' 1- Create a DVD image with 1 title that contains 1 chapter:
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.sourcefile = "c:\MyVideos\DaDa_CMP.avi"
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFile = "c:\MyVideos\DVDImage1"
    ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
    While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped

    ' Done
    ' 2- Create a DVD image with 1 title that contains 2 chapters:
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.sourcefile = "c:\MyVideos\DaDa_CMP.avi"
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFile = "c:\MyVideos\DVDImage2"
    ' Retrieve the DVD Writer object
    Set LTDVDWriter = ltmmConvertCtrl1.GetSubObject(ltmmConvert_Object_Sink)
    ' Set the DVD temporary files folder
    LTDVDWriter.TempPath = "C:\Temp"
    ' Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE.
    ' This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion
    LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = False


   ' Get the menu title The name for a group of related video files (called "Chapters") on your DVD. For example, for a DVD called "My Summer Vacation," you might have the titles "Water Skiing," "New Friends," and "Hiking." For each of those titles, you might have one or more different video files. count
   If DVDWriter.MenuTitleCount > 0 Then
      For i = 1 To DVDWriter.MenuTitleCount
      strMenuName = DVDWriter.GetMenuTitle(i)          
      Next i
   ' Remove all menu titles
   End If
   DVDWriter.AddMenuTitle "Title1", -1
    ' Create the first chapter
    ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
    While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Running

    ' You can change the source file before this step.
    ' This demonstration code uses the same file for all chapters.
    ' Create chapter 2.
    ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
    While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped
    ' Find the total number of bytes written to disk
    lBytes = DVDWriter.GetBytesWritten(lHigh)

    ' Close the title
    LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = True
    ' Done
    Set LTDVDWriter = Nothing
    ' 3- Create a DVD image with 2 titles, each contains 2 chapters:
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.sourcefile = "c:\MyVideos\DaDa_CMP.avi"
    ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFile = "c:\MyVideos\DVDImage3"
    ' Retrieve the DVD Writer object
    Set LTDVDWriter = ltmmConvertCtrl1.GetSubObject(ltmmConvert_Object_Sink)
    ' Set the DVD temporary files folder
    LTDVDWriter.TempPath = "C:\Temp"
    ' Set menulesstitleplay
    LTDVDWriter.MenulessTitlePlay = gbMenuLessTitlePlay

    ' Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE.
    ' This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion
    LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = False

    'Write the first chapter in the first title
    ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
    While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped

    ' Write the second chapter in the first title
    ' You can change the source file before this step:  this demonstration code uses the same file for all chapters.
    While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped

   ' Prepare for the second title
   ' Set the TitleBreak property to TRUE, so the the current title can be flushed
   LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = True

   ' Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE.
   ' This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion
   LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = False

   ' Disable Overwrite so the title will be appended to an existing dvd image
   LTDVDWriter.Overwrite = False

   ' Write the first chapter in the second title
   ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
   While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped

   ' Write the second chapter in the second title
   ' Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications
   While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped

   ' Close the second title
   LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = True

   ' Check whether a menu is to be created and whether to add a background menu
   ' Get Number of menu titles
   lMenuTitleCount = LTDVDWriter.MenuTitleCount
   If (gbWriteMenu And (gStrMenuBackground <> "")) Then
      ' write menu
      ' this will make the next conversion a menu conversion
      DVDWriter.TitleMenu = True
      ' Enable or Disable Loop Menu
      DVDWriter.MenuLoop = Main.gbLoopMenu     

      ' Add the resize filter:
      If AddProcessor("@device:sw:{E526D606-22E7-494C-B81E-AC0A94BFE603}\{E2B7DCA5-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}") = False Then
         MsgBox "Can't find the LEAD Video Resize Filter"
         If gVideoFormat = MPEG2_VF_NTSC Then   ' NTSC
            lWidth = gNTSCSizes(Main.glSelNTSCSize).lWidth
            lHeight = gNTSCSizes(Main.glSelNTSCSize).lHeight
         Else ' PAL
            lWidth = gPALSizes(Main.glSelPALSize).lWidth
            lHeight = gPALSizes(Main.glSelPALSize).lHeight
         End If
         ConfigureResizeFilter lWidth, lHeight, Main.glResizeMethod
      End If
      ltmmConvertCtrl1.sourcefile = Main.gStrMenuBackground
      ' write the menu

      While ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped
      If gbStop = True Then
         txtStatus.Text = "Image authoring stopped..."
         Exit Sub
      End If
      If gbStop = True Then
         txtStatus.Text = "Image authoring stopped..."
      End If
      DVDWriter.TitleMenu = False
   End If
   ' Remove the menu title
   DVDWriter.RemoveMenuTitle 0

   ' restore the overwrite property
   LTDVDWriter.Overwrite = True

   ' Done
   Set LTDVDWriter = Nothing
   Form1.MousePointer = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    If ltmmConvertCtrl1.State <> ltmmConvert_State_Stopped Then
        If Not LTDVDWriter Is Nothing Then
            LTDVDWriter.TitleBreak = True
            LTDVDWriter.Overwrite = True
            Set LTDVDWriter = Nothing
        End If
    End If
End Sub