typedef struct _LTOOLBARTOOL
   L_UINT uStructSize;
   L_UINT uButtonsCount;
   pLBUTTONINFO pButtons;
   L_UINT32 dwTag;


The LTOOLBARTOOL structure contains information about a tool in the toolbar. This tool may be associated with one or more buttons (sub toolbar).




The size of this structure.


Number of buttons associated with the tool. For most tools this will be 1. If a tool represents a sub-toolbar, then this value is the number of buttons associated with the tool.


Address of an array of LBUTTONINFO structures that contain information about the button(s) associated with this tool.


User defined data associated with the tool information.


A toolbar is made up of one or more tools. The LBUTTONINFO structure contains information about the toolbar in general. Information about each tool that makes up the toolbar is contained in an LTOOLBARTOOL structure. Each tool in a toolbar may have one or more buttons associated with it. A tool with more than one button associated with it is said to be a sub-toolbar. Information about the button(s) associated with a tool in the toolbar is contained in one or more LBUTTONINFO structures.