Vector Handle Events

Certain events that occur within a vector handle generate calls to the VECTOREVENTPROC callback function. This callback function receives information on the calling event in a VECTOREVENT structure received as a parameter. For information on the types of events that the vector handle can generate, refer to the VECTOREVENT structure.

To set the callback function to receive the vector handle events, call L_VecSetEventCallback.

LEADTOOLS also provides the L_VecEvent for implementing a user-defined event. This function also lets you group several operations into one event. To do this you must call L_VecEvent with the Status member of the pEvent parameter set to VECTOR_EVENT_STATUS_BEFORE. This identifies the beginning of the event. Once all the operations you wish to include have been completed, call L_VecEvent with the Status member of the pEvent parameter set to VECTOR_EVENT_STATUS_AFTER. This notifies the toolkit that the operation(s) have been completed successfully.