Available in LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging toolkits. |
Changes from Version 14.5 to Version 15
Version 15 of the LEADTOOLS Vector C DLL has changed from version 14.5 as follows:
LEADTOOLS Version 15 now supports both ANSI and UNICODE development in the same libraries.
Enhancements made to memory allocation and handling.
Adds transparency support for raster images.
Adds support for adding units.
Adds support for NAP format.
LEADTOOLS has enhanced the following File format support to improve performance:
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile): This version adds raster, restricted text, polymarker,cell array, 3-point circular arc, and CGM objects.
DGN (Intergraph Format): Now supports symbology levels, with enhanced color and text rendering.
DWG (AutoCAD Format): Now supports DWG2004, leader objects, and directional (2D) extrusion, with an optimized block and entity parser; improved color, line type, block, and extent support; and enhanced polyline, circle, ellipse, arc, spline, multi-line, attribute, and raster object performance.
DXF (Drawing Interchange Format): This version includes an updated DXF parser; updates algorithms for drawing objects and adds extrusion support; improves the rendering of model and paper space; adds entity block rendering, multi-line objects, multi-line text objects, end arrows, and width and bulge values for polyline objects; and enhances performance for ellipse rotation, arc angles, hatchures, splines, and attributes.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics): Now supports gradient brushes, hyperlinks, transformation matrices, and class styles, and enhances elliptical paths, arcs, text, and SVG objects.
VECTOR_MAX_NAME is changed to 64 to reduce the restrictions on complicated files.
DirectX and OpenGL rendering engines are no longer supported.
Example updates:
L_VecFree has been Updated.
L_VecConvertToEMF has been replaced.
L_VecConvertFromEMF has been replaced.
L_VecGetBackgroundColor has been replaced.
L_VecConvertFromWMF has been replaced.
Tutorial updates:
The following tutorials have been removed:
Using Vector engines
Topic updates:
The following topics have been added or updated:
Changed or removed structures:
The following structures have been changed:
VECTORUNIT 3 members have been removed.
VECTORHANDLE 3 members have been removed.
New Structure:
Added functions:
Changed or removed structures:
The following structures have been changed:
VECTORUNIT 3 members have been removed.
VECTORHANDLE 3 members have been removed.
Changed or removed functions:
The following functions have been changed since version 14.5:
L_VecAttachToWindow (one parameter was removed)
L_VecDlgRender (two parameters were removed )
The following functions have been removed since version 14.5:
For more information, refer to: