HSB-Hue Based Model

In the HSB color space:

Three numbers representing Hue, Saturation, and Brightness can be used to uniquely identify each color in the spectrum.

Hue is what we usually refer to informally as ©color©. For example, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Violet are all different hues.

Saturation refers to vividness or deepness of a color. For example, a deep fire engine red is very saturated, while a pale pink, which may have the same hue, is very unsaturated. When all of the saturation is removed from a color, it becomes gray.

Brightness refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.

Using this model you can select a color according to the color, such as orange, yellow, etc.


See Also


L_DlgColor, L_DlgCustomizePalette.


HSB-Brightness Based Model


HSB-Wheel Based Model


RGB-3D Additive Model


Lab-Device Independent Model


CMY-3D Subtractive Model


CMYK -3D Subtractive Model