
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LDialogImageEffect::DoModalRadialWave(hWndOwner)

HWND hWndOwner;

/* handle of the window which owns the dialog */

Displays the Radial Wave dialog box, and gets the options for LBitmap::RadWave.




Handle of the window which owns the dialog.



The "OK" button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully.


The "Cancel" button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


LDialogImageEffect::SetRadialWaveParams must be called before using this function to set the initial values for the dialog. You can get the updated RADIALWAVEDLGPARAMS with the values entered by the user through the dialog by using LDialogImageEffect::GetRadialWaveParams.

The Radial Wave dialog.

This dialog has the following fields:

image\BeforeAfterZoomToFit.gif Zoom to fit

Use this button to fit entire preview images on both the Before and After views.

image\BeforeAfterZoomToNormal.gif Zoom to Normal

Use this button to view images with normal scale on both the Before and After views.

Before View

This view shows the original image before the dialog applies any changes to it.

The view can be dragged when it is not in Zoom to Fit zoom mode. Place the mouse cursor over the view window (the cursor will change to a hand), then click and drag.

After View

This view shows the original image with the dialog changes applied. This enables the user to see a preview of what the image should look like when the changes are applied.

The view can be dragged when it is not in Zoom to Fit zoom mode. Place the mouse cursor over the view window (the cursor will change to a hand), then click and drag.

Type Drop-down list box:

Use this to set the wave length type. There are two choices:

Length Edit box:

Use this to set the wavelength or number of repeated waves. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Phase Edit box:

Use this to set the wave phase shift. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Amplitude Edit box:

Use this to set the radial wave magnitude. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Exposed Area Section:

This section contains a drop-down list box and a button for specifying how to fill any exposed areas. Available values are:

image\Icon_Pivot.gif Pivot Section:

This section contains two edit boxes and a display area for setting the pivot point. You can also set the pivot point by right clicking on the Before view. The Pivot point image\Icon_Pivot.gif appears on the point you just clicked.

X Edit box:

Use this to set the pivot's x-axis position in the image. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Y Edit box:

Use this to set the pivot's y-axis position in the image. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Cursor Pos (x,y)

Displays the mouse position with respect to the image.

Center Button:

Use the Center button to center the Before and After views with respect to image\Icon_Pivot.gif the pivot point position.


Use the OK button to close the dialog and apply the changes.


Use the Cancel button to close the dialog and discard the changes.

Progress Bar


Located at the bottom of the dialog, this progress bar shows the percentage of the current dialog operation that has been completed.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


LDialogBase::Initialize, LBitmap::RadWave, LBase::EnableCallBack, LDialogBase::EnablePreview, LDialogBase::EnableAutoProcess, LDialogBase::EnableToolbar, LDialogBase::Free, LDialogImageEffect::SetRadialWaveParams, LDialogImageEffect::GetRadialWaveParams


Using Imaging Common Dialog


L_INT LDialogImageEffect_DoModalRadialWaveExample(LBitmap * pBitmap, HWND hWnd)
   L_INT nRet;
   LDialogImageEffect DlgImageEffect;
   nRet = LDialogImageEffect::Initialize(0);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   memset ( &DlgParams, 0, sizeof ( RADIALWAVEDLGPARAMS ) );
   DlgParams.uStructSize      = sizeof ( RADIALWAVEDLGPARAMS );
   DlgImageEffect.EnableCallBack (FALSE);
   nRet = DlgImageEffect.SetRadialWaveParams(&DlgParams);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = DlgImageEffect.DoModalRadialWave(hWnd);
   if(nRet < 1)
      return nRet;
   // Gets the updated values for the structure
   nRet = DlgImageEffect.GetRadialWaveParams(&DlgParams, sizeof(DlgParams));
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = LDialogImageEffect::Free();
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   return SUCCESS;