LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains classes for implementing automated mode annotations (with end-user interaction ). Supports mouse and multi-touch (gesture) input.
ClassAnnAutomation Manages the automation for an AnnContainer. WinRT support
ClassAnnAutomationManager Manages the automation mode for an annotation application. WinRT support
ClassAnnAutomationObject Defines all the properties needed to automate an annotation object. WinRT support
ClassAnnAutomationObjects The AnnAutomationObjects class represents a dynamic collection of AnnAutomationObject objects and provides notifications when items are added or removed. WinRT support
ClassAnnAutomations Represents a dynamic collection of AnnAutomation objects and provides notifications when items are added or removed. WinRT support
ClassAnnBeforeObjectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the AnnAutomation.BeforeObjectChanged event. WinRT support
ClassAnnBooleanEditor Represents an annotation boolean editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnColorEditor Represents an annotation color editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnDoubleEditor Represents an annotation double editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnFontEditor Represents an annotation font editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnLengthEditor Represents an annotation length editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnObjectEditor Represents an annotation object editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnPropertyInfo The AnnPropertyInfo class represents a property of some other LEADTOOLS annotation class. WinRT support
ClassAnnSolidColorBrushEditor Represents an annotation solid color brush editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnStringEditor Represents an annotation string editor. WinRT support
ClassAnnStrokeEditor Represents an annotation stroke editor. WinRT support
ClassImageViewerAutomationControl Implements IAnnAutomationControl for ImageViewer. WinRT support
InterfaceIAnnEditor Defines an interface with properties and methods for editing the properties of annotation objects. WinRT support
EnumerationAnnObjectChangedType Indicates the type of change to the AnnObject. WinRT support
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Assembly



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