LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnFont Class Members

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnFont.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAnnFont ConstructorCreates a new instance of the AnnFont class. WinRT support  
Public Properties
Public PropertyFontFamilyNameGets or sets a string representation of the font family associated with this AnnFont object. WinRT support  
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets the point size of the new font for this AnnFont object. WinRT support  
Public PropertyFontStretchGets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the typeface is stretched. WinRT support  
Public PropertyFontStyleGets or sets a value that indicates the style of the typeface. WinRT support  
Public PropertyFontWeightGets or sets a value that indicates the relative weight of the typeface. WinRT support  
Public PropertyTextDecorationGets or sets an AnnTextDecorations that contains text decorations to apply to this AnnFont. WinRT support  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnFont object. WinRT support  
See Also


AnnFont Class
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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