LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnContainerMapper Class Members

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnContainerMapper.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAnnContainerMapper ConstructorCreates a new mapper with the specified DPI values. WinRT support  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCalibrationScaleGets the current calibration scale value. WinRT support  
Public PropertyDeviceDpiXGets or sets the horizontal device resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertyDeviceDpiYGets or sets the vertical device resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertySourceDpiXGets the horizontal source (screen) resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertySourceDpiYGets the vertical source (screen) resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertyTargetDpiXGets the horizontal target (image) resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertyTargetDpiYGets the vertical target (image) resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public PropertyTransformGets the current transform. WinRT support  
Public Methods
Public MethodCalibrateSets the ruler calibration scale. WinRT support  
Public MethodCloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnContainerMapper WinRT support  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CreateDefaultCreates a default mapper. WinRT support  
Public MethodFontFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a font from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodFontToContainerCoordinatesConverts a font to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodLengthFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a length from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodLengthToContainerCoordinatesConverts a length to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodMapResolutionsUpdate this mapper with the specified DPI values. WinRT support  
Public MethodPointFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a point from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodPointsFromContainerCoordinatesConverts an array of points from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodPointsToContainerCoordinatesConvert an array of points to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodPointToContainerCoordinatesConverts a point to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodRectFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a rectangle from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodRectToContainerCoordinatesConverts a rectangle to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodSizeFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a size from container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodSizeToContainerCoordinatesConverts a size to container coordinates. WinRT support  
Public MethodUpdateTransformUpdates the transformation matrix used by this mapper. WinRT support  
See Also


AnnContainerMapper Class
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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