LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnRenderingEngine Class Members

Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnRenderingEngine.

Public Properties
Public PropertyClipRectangleGets the current clipping rectangle for this AnnRenderingEngine. WinRT support  
Public PropertyContainerGets the AnnContainer associated with this AnnRenderingEngine. WinRT support  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ContainerLabelRendererGets the renderer used to render the container labels. WinRT support  
Public PropertyLoadingPictureFillGets or sets the object to use for filling the background of the loading picture placeholder rectangle. WinRT support  
Public PropertyLoadingPictureStrokeGets or sets the object to use for stroking the border of the loading picture placeholder rectangle. WinRT support  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RenderersGets the list of available AnnRenderingEngines. WinRT support  
Public PropertyResourcesGets the default resources for this AnnRenderingEngine. WinRT support  
Public Methods
Public MethodBurnBurns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context using the existing destination rectangle and resolution (DPI). WinRT support  
Public MethodBurnToRectBurns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context and destination rectangle. WinRT support  
Public MethodBurnToRectWithDpiBurns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context and destination rectangle at the specified resolution. WinRT support  
Public MethodOnLoadPictureRaises the LoadPicture event. WinRT support  
Public MethodRenderRenders the AnnContainer associated with this AnnRenderingEngine into the specified destination rectangle. WinRT support  
Public Events
Public EventLoadPictureOccurs when a picture object has been finished loading its source image. WinRT support  
See Also


AnnRenderingEngine Class
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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