LEADTOOLS Winrt (Leadtools.Annotations.Designers)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains classes for building edit mode and run mode designers for annotation objects.
ClassAnnCrossProductDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing cross product objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnCrossProductEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing cross product objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnDesigner Defines the base class for all of the designers in the annotation toolkit. WinRT support
ClassAnnDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDesigner class to provide standard functionality for drawing annotation objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnEditDesigner Extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for editing Annotation objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnFreehandDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing freehand AnnPolylineObjects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnLineDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing line objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnPointDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing point objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnPointEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing point objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnPolylineDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing polyline objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnPolylineEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing polyline objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnProtractorDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing protractor objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnRectangleDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing rectangle objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnRectangleEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing rectangle objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnRunDesigner Extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for running Annotation objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnSelectionEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing the special selection object on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnTextEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing text objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnTextPointerDrawDesigner Extends the AnnDrawDesigner class, providing functionality for drawing text pointer objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnTextPointerEditDesigner Extends the AnnEditDesigner class to provide functionality for editing text pointer objects on an annotation container. WinRT support
ClassAnnTextRollupRunDesigner Extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextRollupObject on an annotation container. WinRT support
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Assembly



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