LEADTOOLS WinRT (Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnThumbStyle Class Members

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnThumbStyle.

Public Properties
Public PropertyFillGets or sets the style to use for filling the thumb. WinRT support  
Public PropertySizeGets or sets the size of this thumb in container units. WinRT support  
Public PropertyStrokeGets or sets the style to use for drawing the thumb. WinRT support  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnThumbStyle. WinRT support  
Public MethodHitTestQueries the specified location to determine if a test point is over the thumb. WinRT support  
Public MethodRenderRenders this thumb at the specified center location. WinRT support  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddPathDraw the thumb shape. WinRT support  
Protected MethodCreateCreates a new object of this class. WinRT support  
See Also


AnnThumbStyle Class
Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Namespace
Programming with LEADTOOLS Annotations



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