LEADTOOLS Color Conversion (Leadtools.ColorConversion assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

YuvParameters Property


Gets or sets the YUV conversion properties. .NET support
public ConversionYuvParameters YuvParameters {get; set;}
Public Property YuvParameters As ConversionYuvParameters
Dim instance As ConversionParameters
Dim value As ConversionYuvParameters
instance.YuvParameters = value
value = instance.YuvParameters
public ConversionYuvParameters YuvParameters {get; set;}
property ConversionYuvParameters YuvParameters {
   ConversionYuvParameters get();
   void set (    ConversionYuvParameters value);

Property Value

A ConversionYuvParameters structure that contains the CIELab conversion properties.
The YUV conversion properties. If this property value is null(Nothing), default values are assumed.
Copy CodeCopy Code  
Public Function GetYuvBufferFromImage(ByVal bgrImage As RasterImage) As Byte()
      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.
      ' Image buffer array
      Dim bgrBuffer(bgrImage.Width * bgrImage.Height * 3) As Byte

      ' get image buffer
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To bgrImage.Height
         bgrImage.GetRow(i, bgrBuffer, (i * bgrImage.Width * 3), bgrImage.Width * 3)
      Next i

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine()

      Dim yuvBuffer(bgrBuffer.Length) As Byte

         ' Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, Nothing)

         ' convert the image buffer 
         converter.Convert(bgrBuffer, _
            0, _
            yuvBuffer, _
            0, _
            bgrImage.Width, _
            bgrImage.Height, _
            0, _

         ' stop the conversion
      Catch ex As Exception
      End Try


      Return yuvBuffer
   End Function

   Public Function GetImageFromYuvBuffer(ByVal yuvBuffer As Byte(), ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As RasterImage
      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim Converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine()

      ' Initialize an image to hold the converted buffer.
      Dim yuvImage As RasterImage = Nothing
         yuvImage = New RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, width, height, 24, RasterByteOrder.Bgr, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero, 0)

         ' Start the color conversion
         Converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, Nothing)

         ' convert the image buffer
         Converter.ConvertToImage(yuvBuffer, _
            0, _
            yuvImage, _
            width, _
            height, _
            0, _

         ' stop the conversion
      Catch ex As Exception
      End Try

      ' Shutdown the ColorConversion.
      Return yuvImage
   End Function

   Public Sub YuvParametersExampleExample()
      ' Startup the RasterCodecs
      Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()

      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.

      ' The input file name
      Dim inputFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp")

      ' load the input image as Bgr.
      Dim bgrImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load(inputFileName, 24, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1, 1)

      Dim width As Integer = bgrImage.Width
      Dim height As Integer = bgrImage.Height
      Dim yuvBuffer() As Byte = GetYuvBufferFromImage(bgrImage)

      ' Initialize the Rgb buffer array
      Dim rgbBuffer(yuvBuffer.Length) As Byte

      ' Byte ordering of the format; for Y41P:
      ' U0 Y0 V0 Y1 U4 Y2 V4 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
      ' 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   9    10  11
      ' Put the Y component order first, then the U and V last as follows:
      ' Y positions: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11
      ' U positions: 0,4
      ' V positions: 2,6

      Dim offset() As Integer = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 4, 2, 6}

      ' Initialize a new ConversionParameters class object.
      Dim convParams As ConversionParameters = New ConversionParameters

      ' Initialize the YuvParameters class property.
      Dim yuvParameters As ConversionYuvParameters = ConversionYuvParameters.Empty

      ' Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UH = 4

      ' Determine the vertical sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UV = 1

      ' Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VH = 4

      ' Determine the vertical sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VV = 1

      ' Set the byte ordering
      yuvParameters.Offsets = offset

      ' The YUV values range
      yuvParameters.Range = ConversionYuvRange.UseFull

      ' This represents the macro pixels(smallest group of pixels allowed), 
      ' which indicates how many actual pixels are in the macro pixel. 
      ' This value is important only in non - planar format
      yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 8

      ' This is a Boolean value that represents the type of the YUV format (Planar = true, or non - Planar = false.)
      yuvParameters.Planar = False
      convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters

      ' Determine the type of conversion to be used in the conversion, for YUVGeneric, only use UseBuiltIn
      convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn

      ' Determine the type of conversion to be activated. For YUVGeneric, only UseBuiltIn
      convParams.ActiveMethod = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine

         ' Initialize the conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Rgb, convParams)

         ' Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0)

         ' Change the Yuv Parameters
         convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.ChangeYuv

         ' Change the MacroPixel value
         yuvParameters.Mask = ConversionYuvMaskFlags.MacroPixel

         ' Reset the MacroPixel Property.
         yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 16
         convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters

         ' Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0)

         ' Stop the conversion

      Catch ex As Exception
         rgbBuffer = Nothing
      End Try

      ' the output File Name.
      Dim outputFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ResultImage.bmp")

      ' Save the converted Image
      Dim yuvImage As RasterImage = GetImageFromYuvBuffer(yuvBuffer, width, height)
      codecs.Save(yuvImage, outputFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)

      ' Shutdown the ColorConversion.

      ' Shutdown the RasterCodecs
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
public byte[] GetYuvBufferFromImage(RasterImage bgrImage)
      // StartUp the ColorConversion.
      // Image buffer array
      byte[] bgrBuffer = new byte[bgrImage.Width * bgrImage.Height * 3];

      // get image buffer
      for (int i = 0; i < bgrImage.Height; i++)
         bgrImage.GetRow(i, bgrBuffer, (i * bgrImage.Width * 3), bgrImage.Width * 3);

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

      byte[] yuvBuffer = new byte[bgrBuffer.Length];

         // Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, null);

         // convert the image buffer 
         converter.Convert(bgrBuffer, // input buffer
            0, // offset from the begining of the source buffer
            yuvBuffer, // output buffer
            0, // offset from the begining of the destination buffer
            bgrImage.Width, // pixels width
            bgrImage.Height, // pixels height
            0, // 0 bytes align
            0); // 0 bytes align

         // stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)


      return yuvBuffer;

   public RasterImage GetImageFromYuvBuffer(byte[] yuvBuffer, int width, int height)
      // StartUp the ColorConversion.

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

      // Initialize an image to hold the converted buffer.
      RasterImage yuvImage = null;
         yuvImage = new RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, width, height, 24, RasterByteOrder.Bgr, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, null, IntPtr.Zero, 0);

         // Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, null);

         // convert the image buffer
         converter.ConvertToImage(yuvBuffer, // converted buffer
            0,                // offset from the begining of the source buffer
            yuvImage,        // image to be save
            width,   // pixels width
            height,  // pixels height
            0,                // 0 bytes align
            0);               // 0 bytes align

         // stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)
      // Shutdown the ColorConversion.
      return yuvImage;

   public void YuvParametersPropertyExample()
      // Startup the RasterCodecs
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      // StartUp the ColorConversion.

      // The input file name
      string inputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp");

      // load the input image as Bgr.
      RasterImage bgrImage = codecs.Load(inputFileName, 24, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1, 1);

      int width = bgrImage.Width;
      int height = bgrImage.Height;

      byte[] yuvBuffer = GetYuvBufferFromImage(bgrImage);

      // Initialize the Rgb buffer array
      byte[] rgbBuffer = new byte[yuvBuffer.Length];

      //Byte ordering of the format; for Y41P:
      // U0 Y0 V0 Y1 U4 Y2 V4 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
      // 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   9    10  11
      // Put the Y component order first, then the U and V last as follows:
      // Y positions: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11
      // U positions: 0,4
      // V positions: 2,6   
      int[] offset = {1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,0,4,2,6};

      // Initialize a new ConversionParameters class object.
      ConversionParameters convParams = new ConversionParameters();

      // Initialize the YuvParameters class property.
      ConversionYuvParameters yuvParameters = ConversionYuvParameters.Empty;

      // Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UH = 4;

      // Determine the vertical sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UV = 1;

      // Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VH = 4;

      // Determine the vertical sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VV = 1;

      //Set the byte ordering
      yuvParameters.Offsets = offset;

      //The YUV values range
      yuvParameters.Range = ConversionYuvRange.UseFull;

      // This represents the macro pixels(smallest group of pixels allowed), 
      // which indicates how many actual pixels are in the macro pixel. 
      // This value is important only in non - planar format
      yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 8;

      //This is a Boolean value that represents the type of the YUV format (Planar = true, or non - Planar = false.)
      yuvParameters.Planar = false;

      // set the yuv parameters
      convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters;

      // Determine the type of conversion to be used in the conversion, for YUVGeneric, only use UseBuiltIn
      convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn;

      //Determine the type of conversion to be activated. For YUVGeneric, only UseBuiltIn
      convParams.ActiveMethod = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn;

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

         //Initialize the conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Rgb, convParams);

         // Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0);

         // Change the Yuv Parameters
         convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.ChangeYuv;

         // Change the MacroPixel value
         yuvParameters.Mask = ConversionYuvMaskFlags.MacroPixel;

         // Reset the MacroPixel Property.
         yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 16;
         convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters;

         // Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0);

         // Stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)
         rgbBuffer = null;

      // the output File Name.
      string outputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir,  "ResultImage.bmp");

      // Save the converted Image
      RasterImage yuvImage = GetImageFromYuvBuffer(yuvBuffer, width, height);
      codecs.Save(yuvImage, outputFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);

      // Shutdown the ColorConversion.

      // Shutdown the RasterCodecs

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


ConversionParameters Class
ConversionParameters Members



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